terroryzm z utyciem materiałów radioaktywnych Literatura do poczytania
• Al Qnmla Wenpons of Mir.', Dostructlon Throal Hypo Ot Reallty ■ R Mowntt • tarssen
• Countorterrorlsm Handbook * l Hol/ 2002
• Encyklopedia Terroryzmu
U Futurę of the Nudoar Security Envlronment In 2015
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Nuclear Safeguard Security and Nonprollferation - J E.Doyle, 2008 Nudear Security Culture -I Khripunov Nuclear Weapons and Nonprollferatlon - S.DIehl. J Moli/ 2008 Radlonucllde Concentratlons In Food and the Envłronmenl - c Ti mi/ 2006 Science and Technology to counter Terrorlsm Security Englneerlng - Ross Anderson
Security Vulnerablllty Assessment Methodology for the Pertoleum and Pertochemical - API, 2004
Shopplng for Bombs Nudear Prollferatlon, Global Insecurlty and the Rise and Fali of 1 Q Khan NetWork - G.Corera, 2006 Systems Theoretlcal Security Models for Large Scalę - 2005 Vulnerabllity Assessment of Physical Protection Systems - M L Garda. 2005
Broń Jądrowa - J.Kubowski, WNT, 2008 Ochrona radiologiczna - W.Gorączko, WPP, 2011