m £naino
I. Tolorom
'ond w
ir limils .
30 b h p ond Indusbiol b - Transporter tnj n bom Moy 3959 II Techn.col dolo ond tppclficptioiu II) Chorlt
O - Dimentions ond groding mo'ks ol cyliods b - Regrindmg cronkthoit c - Tighlening cylinder heod noU d - Indulbiol Adiuttmenl ol speed li Feel $y»U
•r odiustmenl ol VW Induttriol Enj le (VW Pouenger Cort ond Iron»porler*|
I. Joloroi i. Technicol dolo and spocificolions
a - Stccring ......................
b - Torsion bar adjuslmenl ........
I. Arrongemant of shitns ............
t. Spocificolions for oligning equipme I Color of shock obsorbers ..........
Rear Ario and Tronsmission
I Tolerances ond ~eor limiU
a - VW Pouenger Cors ond VW Transporter —
b - Transporter irantmitt.on Irom May 19W .....
II Technicol dolo ond spetificationt o-Rolioi ...........
b - Torsion bor odiustmenl ......
c - Tlgbtenmg ironsmitsion cole terenu .............
d - Orive plnion ond ring gear odiuilmenl...........
•rohet. Wheel! ond Tiret (VW Pouenger Cors ond Trontporłer)
l Tolerances ond weor limils..................
II. Tire spocificolions....................
it |VW Pottengei Cors ond Transporter)
General Dota and Specilicc i Tobie ol Typet II. Iighlenmg Relerence III. Oimontiont ond weighti IV Copocilies ..............
V. Perlormonce
VI. Firel ond oil consumplion ,