boacd theet of leathcr lor tubeequent copying. which might account for imnil of ihc deagn in nakiflg ncw plam or moulds. An czample ofthe kind of problem cncountcred | pronded by a fbutfbld acrecn in (be Museum of Leathercrak włuch is probably of ilU cooarocrion (Ptaae 57) and a awaed on both sidcs with platc-embosscd pandi ihc generał deagn of włuch b Spamsh ofeariy cightecmh-cemury datę. The pandt l«vc bccn mamed ai each tade which might mcan chat thcy wat originally used for wal-hangingt and baer adapaed for (he saeen. The design, in coppery gile on a choina ground, iocludo scrollwork, quadnlataal ortumencation, flowen and kuit, including (be 'pomegranate'. In (his case che painting of the flowers is naturalisdc and the ‘pomc-granate' has becn pairned out, thereby imparting 10 (he painting what the author regards u an EngWi chanem as comparcd with Continental ezamplcs of the same design. Anothcr single pand ofthe same design in the Vktoria and Albert Museum coUcctśon1 (a pan of which is also fllustratcd on Platę 56) has the typical (inc, multi-colourcd vdniog characmistic of Continental work, (he 'potnegranate' being conspścuous. In the Musd des Bcauz Aro, Paris, is yet another example from the same piąte, gik 00 a pey ground bot with only loucho of colour on the flowen and foliage. But thete are a Dumbcr of other ezamplo in Spanish coDections which indude at leaic three diffcicnt nzo and włuch also difler in detal as wdl as coloucing: in two of these the design is mened. These sperimens pcove that at kast four different platcs erisud. No ezample of this design has bccn found in Flanden; the evidcnce scems to point to the design being odginały Spanish but doubt temains as to whether the leather on the sacen (which diflen in detal and painting kom all known Spanish cxamples) was m fact impoited thence or was nudę in this country, h is known that foreign workers were brought inJ and chey otight wtD have brought with them tubbings kom which platcs wat nudę in this mantry.
The industry of the Law Countrics tipandcd as that of Spain dedined akbough the anet,t did not vanish cndtely afia the exodus in 1610. Therc is linie doubt that new lifc »d new ideas were, for a limę, imparted to the trade by the prosperity, atustic ferment ad greater kredom kom pcnccntioo ofthe Spanish Nethcdands. Itńsomctimcsdifficult
0 dccśde whethet an cmboacd pand wat produccd with a heated metal place or kom a wooden mould. In the author'1 czpericnce examplcs of the ktter kind are ratę in Spain.
1 ift doobtkd moulding proces1 was eva employed in Spam and the fcw enmpfes o be scen rhm wete probably imported kom Ftanden. The use of hand ornamcmanon Sonę, the use of heated metal pUto, and the uae of wooden moulds continucd eon-urteody umil wdl tnto the cighteenth cenimy and it is elear kom Flcmish rccords that
Im. N1. 1051-11911 mr on loao n the Mmm of Ltahomfi.