53515 S20C 409120813162

53515 S20C 409120813162

Memory is created in fabric by utilizing ancient shibori terhniques in simple resist felting projects. You will lcarn to lot go whcn you drop thc knit in Ihe washing machinę for the first time. shut the door, and lcl thc agilation dc ils work. A short timc la ter, you will surrender to the moment by opening the door and rctricving thc work—Iransloimcd into something completely new. You will have controlled many of thc factors, so you will have sonie idea of what to expect, but hopefully the ncw piccc will lakc on a ąualily thal is cvcn morc ethereal, impressive, and beautiful than you rould havc imagincd.

So lcl go. Surrcndcr to nul knowing. Lct your-self be amazed by ail the beauty and unexpected dclight found in embraeing a new perspective.

We 1 co me to the shibori adventure. May it infuse vour life with all surts of applicable and meaning-ful metaphor.

This version of The Happy Colored Marhles Scarf (page 24) uses golf halls as the resist.

fiirmukr to shibori 19


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