It xs said cłiac in che lbiirteen**ł century vM>lec^cen<ed wcrc impocted inco France from Spaln-a -A. finc Elizabethan Englirh in origin buc no doubc ®we» much to Spanish
l^łtcsc, cHe £ame of Spaniłh leatheri, ,d lar and wide over Europę
n aar* Plata TS>-
Maated cb« pcod«»ctioti oTanalogoua iT noc identical Products irm most of che luding JEagUnd. Ic Has bccn assumed chat in chis country uwcd h cypc wcre »o« madę. asa sny race i ca quanticy, much bcfbre thc twdfih or jo. Singer* says tHerc is no mord ol* alum being imported bcfbre thc tioncd by _Acllri<r abouc a..d. iooo). and chat in
idencc oT i es Usc in JEn^land bcfore about łioo. On the wcd IcatHer <*r/■*/-<* which in Jota ca dc Garland*s £>ictio*uzriM* as »• rfiat is^gaand alum itself werc wdl lcnown to ehe Romans, flf cbcy broughc ncicbcr to cłiis country. A.nd akhough the ated uncii -w 3 tbcy obviously cxaaccd long bdbre chat
tearchcr afce
Łay asa encire ladc of eseamplcs oE
BTfr in che eighch century, bta Irus noching remairss ot” che
na n umfetr-tmere i* met wicH in An^lo-Saxon literaturę.*
aateły che scarcher after crucH abouc -Spanish’ lcachcr hangings as gready
oduct, not o cały from che earliest period as rdatiyely latc as che fouzteemh (nafurally whitc but also dycd red
unaencary e^oc**^ TiBBcPcIcar were che original
___ 1 Spanish producc probably vaxicd ica each country,
tHrough lacrkc of identical ^nKrcdicnC5 eta« origmal. In Hngland there
goattk ■ ps
cj,c Ł-cacberscllers) ic as stated chat ‘in days r%3rrtcly of — - . Oocc and kidde, out of che Th<f marcer i* complicated by chc dre**ing where cawing scali fcrmcd che
Om*" A#Wy. <rvi. Muddcn.
erength 'wras rcquired) as
o nacivc Ha ir-sHcep and there is no rccord of" import*. Domestic checp and lamb wcrc, of coucsc, available (alchough rinhcl/ ^^ardcd as of infirior quałisy and unii «^ild rocbuck
vailabftc. lor in asa Ordanas there csme “plcnty of fćdl r^orway. Spoin, Guienne and babilicy of many variacions in eta