122 Rizal Street, Luvog, Hocos Nnrte.
Dkaii Mb. LisojsMUK: Your course Works likc magie. It has eifected on mc, in ottly 27 days surh a wonderful musculur development which 1 om auro wili startle you, my vrry instructur, and all physical eniiurisi- who may happen to know thc casc. The photograph cnclosćd hcrcwitli will justify my itatement.
It has brought a generał happincss to my family. for. also om applying to the old folks and the> enjoy it. They łovc it and in tliat they arc happy, at leaat because I nm elrong, hcalthy, with a phenomenal form, and tliat makes me the łuippiest human being. Ml of thrsr. I owe them to you. and therefor, in poor return 1 must and willingly do my best to recommend your noble work to others for lin* betterment of humankind and to the Filipino youth particularly.
With thc sincerest hopes that thcsc few lines will inspire tiiose who may have thc chance to read them. I remain,
Yery respectfully.
(RegTct space does not permit rcproducing Mr. Jncintoa photo. for hc has a wonderful phyeique.—E. L.»
LoycII, Maine.
Dear Friend I.ieueh.man : I recrived your letter and the photo. and I am very much pleased with the photo, and thank you very much.
1 also want to thank you for photo uf myself which you arc gning to publish in the Physical Culturr .\faeaziiw.
I ran nevrr thank you enough for the gpreat help you have Tcndercd mc, and thc interest you takc in mr.
The best I can do is to cxerci.se persistently and hecome a good examp!e of your course.
With best wishes. I am. Your gratcful pupil,
(Sec photo. page 25. i ^ - LAWRF.NCE STGNE.
15.333 LaSallc Tllvd., Detroit. Mich.
My Friend Liedf.RMAN: Rćccived your last lesson with a little regret that your interes ling letters havc ceased. . . . Slmuld any of my friends desire
expert drvclopmcnt, vnur namc is on tho tip of my tonguc. Your course was the fint big step taken in my lifa and I wish every young man cotiłd see thc importance of taking it. Your friend. O NELSON.
1-ancaster. Yia Kyabram. N ictoria. Australia.
Djcak Mh. Liedekman: I have much pleusure in sending you two photo graphs of myself which will givt* you wmr ideo of what vnur wonderful sv.«tem has done for nie. You will also notr that I have carried nut every detail regularly and rarefully. 1 stripped off hefnre thc mirmr the otlier day and I think I can honestly cali myself a man and not a tailnr-inude one. I remain.
Your pupil for lifc. E. H. MAYNE.
(Regret space forbids showing photos of Mr. Maynr*s wonderful dcvclop-tnent. E. L.>
Now. reader. you have read what others think of my course, and have seen proof in the few photographs of what my system can do, not only for my ow n body, hut for anyotte who really wants it. The splendid and well developed athletes wboae photographs appear on