59408 scbb03

59408 scbb03


“Diet cum morę than thi Lancet."......Old Pronerb.

THERE are many common prcjudiccs and conventions of present day dietary which do much to mar the health and physiquc of modern man. The cure of illness bv diet has madę rapid strides in rcccnt years, but if people wcrc to cat morę natural vitalising foods in the first place thcrc would not be half tne amount of digcstive and other dis-orders that at present cxist. The avcragc person never scems to associate his succcss in lifc, vigour or health with the food he eats. It has bcen said that a “ Man is what hc eats.” It you cat mincral-dcficicnt, dead foods, instead of minerał-rich lhx foods you will be duli, lethargic and altogether Iacking in that forccfulncss which is cssential to succcss and physical and mcntal wcll-bcing. You cannot think or look well on a brcakfast of tea and toast nor on a dinner of starchy foods.

Whcncvcr possiblc green ycgctablcs should be eaten raw. Two ounccs of shrcddcd cabbagc is of far morę nutridonal valuc than two pounds of boiled. Potatocs must be cookcd as humans cannot digest the cellulose cnvclopc which endoses the starch granules, but it is best to cook potatocs in their jackets as this retains to a large extent, the vital minerał salts. A diet containing cvcry desirablc constituent cscept the minom substances causcs dcath morę auickly than does complcte starvation. A good wholemcal brcad should always be eaten and whitc nmpUuly avoidcd. Your diet should contain plcnty offrtsb raw vcgctablcs and fruit which go to buifd red blood and to nourish and feed the brain, nerves, glands and tissues. Protein in the form of lean mcats, poultry, cggs, fish and chccsc should be taken in adenuate amounts. It is a fallacious idea that large amounts of meat are ncccssary to acquirc great bulk and strength. The physiology of the body is such that all protein ingestca above a certain amount is simply cxcrcted from the body, that is, you cannot utilisc morc than a limited amount of protein, śtarchy foods such as brcad, cakcs, and pastry should be avoidcd by thosc who readily accumulate fat, but quitc large quantities can be eaten by persons of thinner and medium buildl The same applies to fats.

Apart from thcsc threc primary food-stuffs, i.c., protcins, fats, carbohydrates (surch and sugars) tłie body nceds vitamins and minerał salts. Thcsc are found mainly in raw vegetablcs and fruit. If you must cook your greens do not add soda as this destroys vitamin C To ensurc that you get a minimum daily dosc of vitamins it is a sound principle to take them in the form of capsulcs in addition to the ordinary diet. Thcy may be purchased from any chemist. Lack of cvcn one vitamin will rcducc a norma! hcalthy man to a pathological condition in a fcw wccks.

The rule is the ref o rc to havc a mixed diet of mineral-rich and vitalised foods as well as thosc foods which simply supply hcat and cncrgy, e.g. the fats and carbohydrates. Always masticate food thoroughly as this not only rclicvcs the stornach of work but also strengthens the tccth and gums.

Large quantities of water should not be drunk with, but between meals. It is better to cat fivc smali meals a day than three very heavy ones. At least once cvcry two or threc months you should havc at least one whole day of complcte fast and it is a good idea to skip a mcal if cver you havc any sign of indigestion. Although the Body-Builder who is doing regular hcav7 cxcrcise nceds to cat as much good food as possiblc, hc should remember that his digcstivc organs otcasionally need rest, which will give them a chancc to recupcrate from any over work and so bc better ablc to cxtract the most from sub$equent meals.

Twicc cookcd foods, spiccs, condimcnts, piekłeś, strong tea, coffcc and chccsc, highly scasoncd dishes and verv hot foods should bc vcry much avoided. The best temperaturę for food is a littlc ovcr body heat, i.c. xoo° F. Bolting of foods at extremes of temperaturę, e.g. vcry hot or iced, can, and does, readily cause gastric and intestinal disorders.


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