Row 4: dec first st.scinnext 18 sts. doc tost st.
(20 sc) Ch1. Tum.
Rełoln yom m eod st ol Row 1.
Rew 5: sc m samo st os Joining. ch 3. sk 1 st. *
sc In next st. ch 3. sk 1 jt. sc in next st. Rop from ‘ cround out er edgo to Row 1 on opposfe skJo. (Leovo neck edgo sfraight.) Tum
Rows 6-7: sl $1 to center of first ch 3 spocę - sc In
first ch 3 spoć©. * ch 4. sk noxt sc. sc in next ch 3 soaco Reo from * ocrcss 8roak off ond fosten ot ead of Row 7.
Woav« 16 inches ct H Inch wide whife ribbon through Row 1 of Bon ner Tle In o bo*.
1 Yi— 1.75 oz skełn wtiite boby yom. crochet hk size
Wfth whito. ch 73.
Rew 1: dc in 3rd ch from hk and in ©a ch
ocross. (70 dc) Ch 3 Tum.
Row 2: dcineastacross(70dc)Ch1 Tum
Row 3: sc in first sf. * ch 3. sk 2 sts. sc in nex1 st.
Rop from * ocross (70dc)Ch3 Tum Row 4: dc in first st * 2 dc inch 3 spoco.dc in
n©xt st Rep from * ocross (70 dc)Ch 3. Tum.
Row 5. dc in ©a st ocross (70 dc)Ch 1. Tum Rows 6-41: Rep rows 3-4-5 In sepuenc© to row 41 At endof row 41— ch 1. Tum.
Rowi: scinsomestoschl * 2 sts. scin
noxt st. Rop from * ocross to ond ot km- rep aiong bottom ©dgo. eo comer- 1 sc in oa corner. (oloog s>do
edges)— * ch 4. sc in nexi dc row Rep from * to ond Ot sido. Do not Ch 1 Rows 2-4: slsttocontorofch4spoco.'scinch4 4. innextch 4 spaco. Rop from * oround. Join Break off and fosfen ot ©nd of row 4. Christening bionkot complotod.
Vł— 1.76 02. skein light pink boby yom. 1—1 Vi Inch vełcro strip. 3— 3 inch pieces of pink ribbon tt inch wide. needie ond threod. crochet hk size D.
Wlth pink yom. ch 20
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hk ond in ea ch
ocross (19 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2: sc ineast ocross (19 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 3: sc in first st. inc nextst.scinnoxt 15 sts.
inc rvoxt st. sc in ksst st. (21 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 4: sc m oa st ocross. (21 sc) Ch1. Tum.
Row 5: sc in first innext 17 sts.
mc next st. sc in tost st. (23 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 6-13: sc In oa st ocross (23 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 14 scmfirstsf.decnextst.scinnexti7sfs.
dec noxt st. sc in lost st. (21 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 15: sc in first st. dec In noxt 15 sts.
dec next st. sc in tost st. (19 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 16; sc m first st. doc nextsł.scinnext 13 sts.
docnextst. sc in tost st. (17 sc) Ch1. Tum
Row 17: sc In first 7 sts. dec nextst. scin tost 8 sts
(16 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 18: scmfirst7sts.docnoxtst.scintost7sts.
(15 sc) Ch1. Tum
Row 19 sc m first st. dec In noxt 9 sts.
doc noxt st. sc m tost st. (13 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 20 sc m first st. dec In r>ext 7 sts.
dec n©xt st, sc in tost st (11 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 21 sc m first 2 sts. dec noxt 3 sts. sc in tost 3
sts (8 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 22-23: sc in oa st ocross (8 sc) Ch 1 Tum. Row 24: sc In first 2 sts. ch 4. in tost 2
sts (4 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 25: sc in ea st and ch ocross (8 sc) Ch 1.
Row 26: inc first st, sc in noxt 6 sts. inc tost st. (10
SC) Ch 1 Tum
Row 27: sc In ©a st ocross (10 sc) Ch1 Tum
Row 28: incfirstst.scinnext8sts.inctostst.(12
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rew 29 sc in eo st ocross (12sc)Ch ITurt Row 30. inc first st, sc m next 10 sts. mc tost st. (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Rows31-34: sc ineast00054(14sc) ChlTum Row 35: Left front piece will bo startod here-
sc in first 7 sts (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum