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Wendełl Vaughn 3 OCCUPATION

Protoclof of the Unlverse BASE Moode



Wendell Vaughn attended SH1ELI ) academy with Kenjiro ranaka, and upon graduation found himselfin the middle of a raid by A1M tcrronsts.Vaughn drove ofcfthc AIM agent* by donmng qiuntum-band bracelets wora by the 1950* Marvcl Boy.As the new Marvel Boy,Vaughn bccame a member of SHIELDs Super-Agent program, latcr calłing himself Marvel Man bcforc settling on Quasar.

Vaughn latcr learncd that he had bccn chosen by the cosmic enticv Eon to bceomc the new Protector of the Universe,

rcplacing the late Capiain Mar-Veu. Quasar also bccame a member of the Avencers, but could not prevent the villainous Maclstrom from killing Eon. When Ec;o ihe Li\in<.

Planf.t threatened to devour Earth. Quasar proved lns worth by absorbmg the entity into his qu.imum-b.uuls. Qu.i*ar e\iled himself into space to procent Egos release.

HEICHT 5 ft 10 to WEIGHT '68 IbS EYES Blue HAIR BlOOd


Captam Amenca voJ 1 9217 (January 1978)

FIRST APPEARANCE Taies to Aston.sh #74 (December 1965) REAL NAME Onax (also known as Amphibian)

OCCUPATION Gladiator BASE Tho planet Xantares HEIGHT 7 ft 9 to WEIGHT 915 IbS EYES Green HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A product of centur.es of soentific breeding to create the ulłimate fighttog machinę; can travei fast and breatho underwater.



Initidlly hesitanl jboui bccoming Protector of the Cnircrsc, Quasar has becornc o scifitss represrntalitr of Earth, orni his underslanding of his near-limitless powers has dtcpened.

Ouontisn-barKfe pern*Hgrt. totopcrtanon, and the abłty to ferm quanti#n enetgy constructs, ncfcjcłng weapons and ar mor

Usog his quantum-bands, Ouasar can project bubbtes of energy that act as forco shields. Tt«y can also


FIRST APPEARANCE FantastiC Four Spec*al #4 (November 1966) REAL NAME Quasi Motivational Destruct Organism OCCUPATION Former Computer BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 1.350 IbS EYES Whrte HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Computer bram; supertu#nan strength (when In physica) form), lott oyo projects lorce blasts; can exst as pure consciousness without a physical body

Quasimodo originated as a sentient Computer creatcd by the MadThinker.

Endowcd with a grotesque face that appeared on a screen,

Quasimodo longed for a morę human form.

Ho\vever, despite

promising to fultill his wish, theThinkcr abandoned him.The Siiyf.r Surilr took pity on Quasitnodo and transformed hitu into a mobile, humanoid creaturc, but the ungrateful Quasimodo fought the Surfer, who rendered him immobilc. Eventually Quasimodo rcgained his mobility, and has sińce battled such champions as Spider.-Man, the Beast, the Vision. and the original Captain Mar-Vhll. ps


Xantares’ Council of Eldcrs scnt Qnax on a mission to obtain the Sphere of Ultimate Knowledge, telling him the Sphere was needed to save the planet. Arriving on the homeworld of the Watchers, Qnax cncountered the Hulk, who was also scarching for the Sphere.

They fought and Qnax was hurled into space. Exiled from Xantarcs for this failure. Qnax travelled the costnos as a gladiator for hire. He eventually discovered that the Council of Eldcrs wanted the Sphere in order to dominate Xantarcs. Dismayed by this, Qnax returned homc, hoping to bringjustice to his people. AD
