63435 Page3 (2)

63435 Page3 (2)

C de yytf : Vol. 1 )


ex.    (^Alł/w) - sarnple

ex. Jri'T: (tt/u^s < ) - field trip







Girls (in unison afier seeing UFO): vJ ^ Wlł/ć ? Did you see that?

Gir/ on /eft Mifc I saw it.

Gir/ on left: t) tz L t> „

Me too.

C082 'S—:Q

i Ł i b

Teacher: -?■ Z ts ts js , IM V5 b 5 CO

(sound of boy

frhhhh !

nodding off to sleep)

Are you listening to me?!

fc“3r V

* 3 V

(sound of teacher

(sound of boy being hit by teachers pointer)

noticing boy)



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