61593 IMGR28 (2)

61593 IMGR28 (2)


Latthoaafi pontrstrc che fixc-pvc of« cbanur*s shoc (Place 7jb) of chc Pcolcmic period. havui( mccs of ormmenwioo dat team co be oT gold |ca£ Xbe nwhidc bshingi 0f chanat wheds (Place 742) fiom Tut*cnkh*amun's co mb wac tiouUrly ortumented. and pild-kcf was uttd on the teau-orcalar wooden terminala of a bcad collar of faience and *******ISan ficm dw Middle Kingdom (about aioo B.C.)1 and ceuld as rcadily havc bccn med on Inther ac rfm period.

Gik leacber boocs and shoes are known co havc bccn wotu by princcs and cburch digniraraes an che narach and cench centurio. Ic is cecordcd that ‘bocianem" of gile leather sec feund on che body of one Odo. a falconcr. warrior and founder of che church of Saint-Meni. Param* bu alt an (84,* and a pair of ceremoniał sandała or Hałf^boocm fiom Scavdoc (Place 75b) dacing fiom che twełfih cencury. onumented wach gale leather. scali caraac*.* The fragment of gale leacher. bdicved co be part of a hangi ng. fbund an che Mkhraic tempie an London* łaas been menrioned. and chere team no rcason why gik gmeimmeti thould noc have bccn madę an che caghch or ninch centurie*. Thcophalua. a monk-cnfiman of obsctarc origin wricang an German perhaps early in che cwcłfih cencury.* ta tomtlamca sald co havc deacribcd che galdaog of leacher: chis as noc accually so. buc chc mechod He descrabcs in detali, casing "głair* (whitc-oP-cgg) as adbeaive. was and arill is nsrri for leacher. The saamtlarton of gold by coacang silver or tan foli wach yełlow vamish (precaaely as used in che making of much gile leacher) was also deacribcd by Thcophilus and may wcD have been pracciaed in Spaira ac an early da. Clcar. colo nr less varnishes werc also known then. buc one way of proccccing sahrer fiom oacyd izacion was co coac ac wach glair. which w hen dry. fbemed a elear. protective and lascing film.

Ic is dear fiom an Ordinancc which regulaced che fuadamccileros of Górdoba. fint in tjal,* chat boch che basie sahrerang of chc leacher and chc paincing of design* ihcreon were well cscablashcd ac chat datę. alchough panele wcrc not invari*bly mahrered all over as chey usually were ac a laser period. The same Ordinancc also lays down chat. for dycang leacher red. madder must be used and noc brasil-wood (which pcoduced a duller red and was probably cheapcr) and also fiaces che permitted sizc of panele as approacimatcly 0.6) x 0.53 m. (24.$ x ar in.).T Ic prcscribes deach as che penalcy for pessifig off tan foal as sdvcr !

■    Muacaim, Inv. No. 47S60: rxhibiird in London, lada.

*    I.dicnf.J-. Hittmiee dr im Mlrcrdrsiflf D/ódtede Parts, 1754. I. p. 154.

* In    MimAh mruuc d*An cc «THiwoć«. Brands, Inv- No. 18x5.

1 Now to iht GcMhan Mincum. London. Ii*v. Na 18449.    .

8 Dwnmi artśmm eehtJmU. Ed. Hendrie. R_ 1847. PP- X9 and SB. Ako TkryMat. The gkrmiJ Dodwdl, C. IL. I9di. pp. ao-aa. The poniblf dane of chla creauac bas been che subjeer of many amen. t. np^WimfAelnin    laoniaTitiJu _ CRD, adwanoa impcadvc ondonco for en narty ewdfih century datc.

* op. cifc. (MMC a. PW <*4>. Sec Appcndix F.    ■ - ■____iw

*    Op. dc. noce a. pw (14) "... taca cnaiua dc vw dc laigo J do* imin meno* u na pulS^1 ^ ■***“ And kc Apptndia F.



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