71450 slajd12 (96)
QC6. Thinking about reform global financial markets, please tell me whether you are in favour or opposed to the following measures to be taken by the EU.
88% 7% |
ca- |
7% |
p--I |
88% 5% |
7% |
12% |
6% |
^H12% |
9% |
| 11% |
7% |
Tougher rules on tax avoidance and tax havens
Increaslng transparency of financial markets
The introduction of a tax on profits madę by
The regulation of wages in the financial sector (i.e. traders' bonuses)
Tighter rules for credit rating agencies
A closer supervision of so-called "hedge funds’
The introduction of a tax on financial transactions
The introduction of Eurobonds (European bonds)
EB76 Aut.2011 EB75 Sp.2011
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