VI Połącz wyrazy tak, aby powstały poprawne wyrażenia.
A | ||
1. apply for |
a. |
charge of |
2. work |
b. |
flexible hours |
3. take |
c. |
a living |
4. be in |
d. |
a job |
5. be invited for |
. e. |
an interview |
6. have |
f. |
Computer skills |
7. earn |
g- |
a day off |
B* | ||
8. set up |
h. |
redundant |
9. be madę |
i. |
responsibility |
10. do |
j- |
maternity leave |
11. take on |
k. |
shift work |
12. go on |
I. |
research |
13. bring |
m. |
references |
14. carry out |
n. |
a business |
VII Uszereguj zdania we właściwej kolejności.
A. |
There's a vacancy in the company. |
□ |
B. |
The company advertises in newspapers. |
□ |
C. |
You accept the job. |
□ |
D. |
You decide to apply for the job. |
□ |
E. |
You write your CV and an application letter. |
□ |
F. |
You work hard. |
□ |
G. |
You are invited for an interview. |
□ |
H. |
You are offered the job. |
□ |
1. |
You read the advert. |
□ |
J. |
You are short-listed. |
□ |
K. |
You are promoted. |
□ |
L. |
You retire. |
□ |
VIII Wyjaśnij różnicę pomiędzy...
a) a job and work
b) an employer and an employee
c) staff and a crew
d) * an interview and an audition
e) * a vacancy and a holiday
f) * be madę redundant and be fired
Co oznacza ten idiom?
They are always talking shop.
a) They are talking about newly opened shops.
b) They are discussing what to buy.
c) They are discussing professional matters.
X Odpowiedz na pytania. Możesz wykorzystać określenia podane w ramkach.
1. What job would you like to do in the futurę? Why?
creative dedicated polite reliable
assertive imaginative accurate outgoing
decisive ambitious # hard-working helpful
honest determined kind well-organized
motivated ■ team-oriented t friendly comdncing
'So you want to deliver pizza, is that right? Do you have a car?' 'Yes, I do. But ask me if I have a car that runs.'
routine work be good at work under pressure challenge well-paid work long hours responsibility
2. What features should characterise the following professionals?