81160 stronaE (3)

81160 stronaE (3)


1 a Which rooms from the box can you see in the photos?

bathroom bedroom dining room garden garage kitchen living room

b GD Where can you do these activities? Match the places in the box to the activities. Then listen and check.

sunbathe You can sunbathe in the garden.

i cook 2 sleep 3 have a shower 4 put your car

5 eat 6 watch TV

2    a GD Tick (/) the landscapes in the photos. Listen and check. abeachQ| mountainsUH ariverQ aforestO a city O

a lakę O a desert O the sea Q

b Which other words for landscapes do you know? Make a list.

c Answer the questions.

1    What is in the north of your country?

(the centre/the south/the west/the east)

2    What can you see from your living room window?

(bedroom window/kitchen window)

3    Play a gamę in groups. Think of a country and describe its landscape. Can other students guess the country?

This country has beaches in the north. It has a big city in the east, mountains in the south and a famous forest in the south-west.


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