84201 s&h 019
wo' l<l is responsible for the statement iliitf nnything flint disturbs the lin lance or equi-librium of one part of the body disturbs the equilibrium of nil the otlier pnrts. and a gradual readjustinent is surc to take place.
.Many men make the mistake of derelop-ing one part of the body ai the expense of eyery other part, and that is a mistake, ex-cei)t, of conrse, wliere there is a partienlar and espeeial objęci in riew. The performer who juggles great wcights before au audi* euce uiakes his living by the strength of his arms, but he is neither preparcd nor fitted t<> engage in a rariety of competitions, and his health is no bettcr—if it is as good—as the a tli le te who lias trained all of his musclęs to work in harmony.
The acerage business man does not. as a rule, want to be an athlete. What he should have is organie rigor, and by that I niean strength of luug, heart, stornach and lu-ain. He wants to be eqnal to any of the emer-
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