

tiee, free, green, spleen, seen, ąueen, speed, feed, need, sea, tea, pea, flea, meal. steal, deaL, mean, read, lead, please, field, yield. rfiield, mień, grieve. believe

Notę L Before yoiceless consonants the vowel [i:] ig a little shorter than before voiced consonants, or when finał.

Compare the pairs:

beat bead feet feed greet greed sweet Swede heat heed grief gneve belie(“believe piece peas pleat plcad

Notę 2. In an identical context [i:] is always longer than [i]. Compare:

feet fit    beat bit    heat hit    seat sit    seek    sick

sleep slip    bead bid    lead lid    read rid    peak    pick

feel fili    meal mili    seen sin    sheep dup    reach rich

Notę 3. [i:] is longer in one-syllable words and shorter in words of morę syllables:

sleep sleepy    greed greedy    sheep sheepish feel feeling

speed speedy speedily peace peaceful peacefully

c. Eaerciae for vowds (i) and (i: ]

§ 18. In this exercise and othets that follow, h is essential that words be said naturally, with even stresses and falling intonation. The student should put into practice the advice givcn in the above notes, e.g. the length of [i] should be differentiated in pick and pig, the words themselves being of equal length, etc. Immediate success should not be expected. The pritnary aim of the exercises is to help the student realize that the 'same’ sounds are not always identical, and to give him an idea of the differences. This awareness will no doubt help improve the pronunciation gradu ally.

§ 19. Words with short [i]:

pick, sit, kick, big, hill, pienie, rictim, lily, film, rib, pinch.

at, yield, nicce.

Wordscontaining long [i:]:

pea, peak, see, tree, trees, we, Swede,

Pairs of words with [i:] and [i] in identical contexts (so-called^ seek sick    hed hill    seat sit    eel 31    week wiek

scene sin    eat it    feel fili    peak pick    peel pili

reach rich    sheep ship    whed will    deed did

least list feast fisi

sram, creek, stick, mili, film, łult, stream. Greek, pit,



2. Short and long a a Short a, ie. |a]

110. This vowel is very siniilar to Polish a (and for this reason it is iiflrn transcribed as [a] in Polish manuals of English), but it is not so open. Al Ihcrc are several varieties of the vowel [a] in English, some of them •Uarly different from others, e.g. morę front or morę back, higher or Intycr, the Polish student is advised to pronounce it simply like a very llinrt Polish a, with a slightly smaller opening of the mouth.

Iiiurh, Mich, pluck, stuck, up, cup, cut, shut, dust, must, fuss, bus, bluff, cuff, mdi, limsh, dusk, tusk, duli, skuli

lolr |. In the pósition between two voiced consonants, the short vowel 1Is slightly prolonged. the pairs:

p club aup rub but bud buck bug ruck rug mt mdd

tj], [a] is not

Hmhl 'L In the position before a nasal consonant [m, l^^lcjhasalised:

dnink, skunk, r

V lunch, lirhnch, pump, lump, jump, punch, hunt, punt, trunk,

ł-ite»urrin- *“nsun8

j^Jsjhor^ords it is a litde longer than in longer words: y *' luck lucky sun sunny

duck ducky mum mummy



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