‘54 Irena I arnik
hfe of locml populałion* in ihc bcginning of thc Iron Age. and il can be pcrccivtd to |H caaegonct of thc sociał-cconomic changcs taking place fast on ihc verge •ftp* tpoch l ndoubtcdly m thc objęciu equippcd with glass bcads there win widcr nago and błggernumberofvesfceU (most oflen Ił to 17 itcms). Thertiko . ^pcared vanons pamcular clay forma of pottery (ccnsers, a vcsscl with an “oma-■OT wito a lymbolic mcaning painted vcssels), and bcsidcs metal objecti im ipmntot. iaciuding for thc tirst timc ambcr bcads and objects madę ofiron.
. IMWB. hm toe cacavatcd pan of thc cemctcry sonie gravca are known gnva nłńcb rap nut eootain bcads in their inventories, but have sometimci ouisiand-tog gra we constructions (solid stone pavcmcnts, timber elements) and outstanding (palny cquipment Theretorc in thc attemptn at interpretation of thc sociul-prop- , | «Qr Mtoaa of toe dead accompanicd by glass bcads, it is hard to talk about utopie ictoboasłups of ihat kind and a possibility to spccify necesaary critcria (cf. Gcdip 1«63|.
On thc basta of thc eaisting obscrvations we muy conclude that thc ditcuucd fl^pti accompanicd peoplc of difTerent sex and agc. and there is no data which ooald attow to aaaociatc them with spec i fi c typc of bcads. They wcrc discovcrcd bmm otten amung bumed bonc rcmaina, in thc upper parts of thc urna. In seycral eaaaa, tpccific methoda of depositing them wcrc noted in 2 rows on thc skuli buaca, (brnung2dome on a plute, which was an urn lid, among sccondary vcucb aad toe unici of thc paclung. Similar cascs. having probably rilual mcaning. mc ;.jMn toa e.g thc Górzyce group of thc Luaalian culturc (Griesa 1982: 136. 145f Nrrfclarea tnadc of glass bcads, often with ambcr and bronzc bcads, trat naci 6nery (II confirmed by inhumalion burial gravcs of thc group of thc 1* •afeaa culrare tnhabiting Upper Silesia and Littlc Polaru!) and perhaps wcrcalso woraoatoehcad(scwnooapicccofieather: Wożniak 1959: 108). In thegrama Mtoatowicc tocy could bc put into thc graves loose or struny onto some threador HHgMtafinM organie materiał. From another cemctcries there are known oa tonie bronzc wire or even on a nccklacc (Griesa 1982 *+.DBK/c»%it Olczak 1966: 63).
^^Hp^MBdartmed that thc quality and range of grave gifts in the Halhtati pan uOhtHMtoyio Mi łosia wice suggests a significant brcakthrough in the de-satopnaot uf thc local Luaalian culturc population which perhaps was an abnipi 4lMf»(gmvcs with outstanding construction. numcroui bronzc and iron objeets ■■■BtoHWMW and ma*sive braedets, a harp fibula, a bimctallic pin, single btun/e ociłcs and un. numerou* iron knivcs. widc range of yessels, includ-tog painted and graphrtc painted. ambcr bcads, etc.). From thc end of the Brona ItotoltapKully at thc beginning of thc Iron Age, the whole arca ofthc Miltc/ BMi jomed thc uream of chan ges, connccted with so-callcd “I lallstattisalion was the most significant factor in thc dynumics of kol JpWpadMyeiopfncni I hc populations of so-callcd Silcsian group of the l.usatian odtwe (Mitu/J ir /i , A microrcgion; cf. Mierzwiński 1994: 84. Fig. 11)ocigh-■MM *• ttlalMl popułatiom. i.c from went and cast Circat Poland as well *
liońj Upper Silesia Little Poland. The Milicz Basin is known among olhera for ndi h.uriiv (Karmin, nowadays Postolin and Pracze), bronzc imports (c.g. a vasc froni Sułów), major seliletncnl complexes (Czalkowice-N icsulowice; Domańska, Ustki 1997) and nccropoliscs (Cieszków; Domańska, Gołubkow 1979). Many •carghen aptly indicalc a spccial role of thc scttlcmcnt arca of culturc groups japffipheral zońes, whcrc thc most intense, multilevcl exchangc could exist, not urtiy jn an economic sense, bul also in u widely understood idcological sphcrc (Fo-M9H8: 154 and footnotc 374; 1993; 138; Bukowski 1995: 36f.; 2002; 87 88; Bląjar 1995. footnotc 2).
Although the stale of thc rcscarch on the Lusatian culturc scttlement in the noithem part of Silesia may be still considered insufficient, undoubtedly, local cdmmtinilies not only maintained intense mutual contacts, but were also engaged io local exchangc, whosc form and organisation can not be uncquivocally defineil. Ai iii eutnple it is worth mentioning herc thc opinions of the rcscarchcrs exca-miRg I ccmctcry in Cieszków, ncarby Milosławice, with a number of materi-nlcrriitg to thc nccropolis in Chojno-Ciolejcwko near Rawicz (southem Grcat H In both cases glazc bcads. ambcr bcads and metal objects considered mporti” wcrc found in graves (Domańska 1973: 206; Woźniak 1959: 108, po-•iion 194), Similar remarks were madę regarding a Lusatian culturc scttlement diutcr near Kalisz (Bukowski 1993: 88), which earlier was wilhin the range of nrung east-Europcan influences, reaching in Great Poland thc arca of contempo-rary Poznań (Pudełko 2003: 229-230). Also herc, at a few ccmctcrics (Brzezie, Dębniałki Kaliskie, Kalisz-Winiary. Raszcwy)3, numerous glass bcads occurred, «railiirtothconcsdi«covercd in Milosławice (Pudełko 1999; 2003; Dobak-Splitt, '•pliu 1990-1991). The largest set of that type of artefacts comes from the ne-cmpolit in Raszewy (morc than three hundred) dated to HaC and the beginning of HaD Indeed it seems. that it shows thc influence of not only central Silesian group ói the Lusatian culturc, bul also the group of that culturc inhabiting Upper Silesia and Little Poland as well as the eastem Pomcranian culturc (Dobak-Splitt, Splitt 1990-1991:47). It is beyonddoubt that as carly as in the HaC period thc “I Iallstat-twation" proccss was marked morę strongly in thc southem part of Great Poland. -nnlybclow the Obra Warta linę, which was morę connectcd with thc Silesian • up (Kaczmarek 1999: 147). A particular role in that proccss is assigncd to so-illcd middle-Warta scttlcmcnt centrę, from whcrc we know imports similar to ibe camMcry In Oonzcwice. Morcovcr, it is not cxcludcd that they arrived on thc Prama and the upper Warta rivcrs exactly from there (Fogcl 1988: 153, footnotc (i/j It scems that thc discusscd arca of thc Milicz Basin could participatc sig-(icaiitly in thosc proccsscs and herc also local populations wcrc open to forcign iiiipulscs, generated by gcographically and culturally diflerent ccntrcs. What was Ule roje of glass bcads in thosc contacts .’ Similarly to other products coming from
' I trould Hhę to thank E, Pudełko and J.A. Splitt for giving me an ucccss to the liclil dacutnea-«frant tht cemelcrici in Brzezie and Ruzcwy, including thc figuro of thc objects cshibilcd in