

264 Halina Taras

(extemal markcts) in exchangc for other goods and serviccs. The main “commu-mcation roules" lo the rcgions which took part in such cxchangc did not cross llml region either. Therc werc not mony potcntial clients for luxurious commodities Neverthelcss, the discussed arca i culturally inconsislent in various chronological ievels and being subjcct to various developmental rhythms - was not indiflcrcnl lo the chan ges of the extemal world, although it not generated them itsclf. The geo-gnphical position cspecially permitłed adapting here central Huropcan cultunl canents (in olher words: southem and south-castem). widely understood Pomian tnditions (south-eastem) or east Europcan (eastem). At that time, undoubtcdly there were many rcgions in central-eastem Po land with poorly dcveloped sen ternem network. economically weak, where potcntial detnand for liuturious goods could be insignificant (what perhaps was connccted with lack of consciousncu that aome categories of goods existed), and evcn smaller were the possibililics of purchasing them. However, herc also appeared original objects madę in olher place and condilions. Thcir “travels” had undoubtedly a unique characier. Próba-bly sporadically arrived here objects madę in Transylvanian-Carputhian, Silesiun. Pomian or olher workshops.

Southem influences are morę visible in the western part of the Lublin region, which may indicate the fundamental role of the Vistula river as a communica-lion route. It refers to e.g.: dissemination of mctals. stylistic influences in pottery dccoretion, religious ideas. Beginning Arom the early to the middie Bronze Age sparse bronze objects madę in the Unćtice culture circle appeared in the Lublin region, as weli as other objects rcferring to the tradition of the Tumultu culture. In the younger periods of the Bronze Age. in the beginning of the Lusatian culture. southem influences spread also by the shortest way - through Carpathian passes. directly through the Tarnobrzeg group territory.

Particularly close connections joined the Lublin region with the eastem re-gions during the whole Bronze Age. Thosc are diverse contacts and indicate boli) foresi and forest-steppes zones in Ukrainę, as well as the Pontian steppes.

To sum up, the directions of the Lublin regions connections with various cul-tural provinces are morę oflen documented by iraitations than by spcciflc imports. Dwemination of ideas and exchange of goods took place in numerous diflerent ways, and thcir background were complex and complicated contacts bctwcen in-dividuals and groups. They could also be a result of migrations of populations carrymg objects and knowledgc about their production.


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