73f; 1971. cat nas 556. 565. 573. 665. 667. 669. cal. no. 672 U a Northern Yariant of the
Ewart Park type). The rangę of contexts is lypical for the Umfield period: rivcr deposition. Ukeaidc scttlcmcnfs, a hiUfort and a hoard. As for the lale Ewart Park swords (‘Thames type'). the cxamplcs from a mer deposition at Góppingen. from the Kirke Saby hoard and from Han-sur-Lesse likewise prov.dealaic Umfielddale(Schauer 1971.cat. no.670:Sprockhoffl93l.pl. 22.6-8; Maricn 1975.15, fig. i) Notę that the ‘proto-Hallstatt sword-blade’ withanantenna hillof Tarquinia type(mentioncd by Schauer 1972.262. no. 2)couid. w hen published. providcadditiona! Information about thegenesis of the Hallstatt sword
9) Sprockhoff 1931. pL 22.4-5.9-10. My thanks arc due to Dr. M. Hctn. Heidelberg, for his hclpful com-mentson the Lanesjon find
10) Bronze Gundlingen swords with boat-shaped* chapes: I riedberg in Hcmcn'; Sł. Aoustnllc. Chapes with iron Gundlingen swords: Gunching (with A4 chapc - uncertain); Schimdorf grave 200 (with A2 ' chape): Yiala du Pas de )aux (with A2 chapc - uncertain): Ellingen (with B chapc). B chapes with iron Mindełheim swords: Hasclbmnn. Oberwiesenacker grave 6. Hradcmn gravc i. Kirchensitten-bach (Beckersłohe). Prague-Streśovicc
In addiuon to the swords and chapes listed by Cowcn. Schauer. Novak. Gerdsen. Burgcss and Colqu-houn. Fig 7 indudes the foHowing finds Kissine (bronze Gundlingen sword and .42chapc): Longvic-les-Dijon (bronze Gundlingen sword and A2 chapc): Ncuhaus-Tahnn (bronze Gundlingen sword and A4 chapc): Rekezn (three bronzc Gundlingen swords. one Al chapc and one A4 variant). Sec van Impe 1980. pL 12; Bott 1983. 121; 122. fig. 57; 123. fig. 58: Czysz and Krahe 1980. fig. 11. 10-11: Cłi«ar 1991. 376. fig. 3.
111 The dt^rrihtitinci map of A chapes (Fig. 8) was drawn using Gcrdscn's lists (1986). Additions: Coplow Farm and Prullsbirkig types from Rckcm grave 72 (van Impe 1980. pl. 12); Frankfurt-Stadtwald v arian i from 'iimrllrr Caramontron Haute-Loire (Vital 1988. 60. fig. 9.3); Buchenbach type from 1 ongvic K■ Dijon (Chaume 1991. 376. fig. 3. 2.
12) Wagon graves with bronze horse bits: Groftcibstadt gravc 1; Tuchomćncc; Kóngen: Lhotka- two iron biis and one bronze bu; Pułlacb-Sud tumułus 3 bas bronze horse-bits. but it is doubtful whether the angted sockets in the grave camc from a wagon.
13) The oniy exception is Chaveria tumułus 16. with bronze ‘rod' bits associated with a bronze GOndlin- ; gen sword; these have not bccn induded in the typology becausc. like the side-pieccs in this gravc. they arc ocherwtse only found in the Umfield period (Vuaillat 1977,97. fig. 62). A number of unpub-lished. ar insufficicntly published bronze bits could not be elassified: Bischofshcim (Kulach 1926, 53; pl. 7. 94 fr. KJeinkJcin. KroU-Schmidkogel' (bronze bit found recently during ploughing. Information from C. Dobiai;. Mamitz (Lich 1837. 97-8); OberfahJheim (Kossack 1959. 182-3); Vele5ice (Domećka 1923. 339. notę 2).
14) Iron Mindełheim swords and bronze horse-bits are known from three closed associations. whereby the bis are always of type t>. Tannheim tumułus 13; Grofieibstadt grave 1; Lhotka. Bronze Mindel-
swords have only bccn found associated with iron horse-bits - in two graves: Frankfurt-Stadtwald and Mindełheim tumułus 2 (Fischer 1979,40-49: Kossack 1959.167).
15) A further seven iron swords have been found associated with bronze bits. but these areall so poorly preserred that u is impossibie to teU their type. As for the bits. they werc lwice of B type, once of C type, and four ttmes of 0 type. Notę that all scven of the swords amociated with type D bits were of inm.
16) A szudyof the cfaronotogy of the 9th and 8th centuries between Etruria and the Alps is presently bcing prepared for pubłścaoon by the author.
17) The rwi***™^ of an earły chronologicai hon/on within Ha C has been rccognised. or intimated. by severalauthors: Hoffmann 1938.8; 40-41; Wamser 1975.22-32; Milłotte 1976,726; Kossack 1981.42.
18) Sśmilarty. the pottery from these grave» seems la ter than that from the lale Umfield hillforts of the Wittnauer Horn. Roc dc Corrou* and the Uteiner Klot z: Lais 1925; Gassler 1982; Ludin 1967; 1973; 1976.
19) Asecond possible candldate is U Cóle-St.-Andrt, althoughthcchronołogy b uncertain (seeChapo-tai 1962). The siiula from La C6te-St .-Andre U related to examples from Frankfim-Stadtwald (Fischer 1979. pl. 8). Vctulonia, Tomba dcl Duce 4 (Montelius 1895. pl. 186, U a-b) and Fabrlano, grave of 1899 (Brizio 1899, 377, fig. 5; 378, fig. 5a). These parallels would not Justify a datę for La Cóte-St.-Andre before the 7th cen tury. On the other hand. the cast bronze whecb of the Coulon type. known otherwisc from lale Umfield contezts. lend to La C6te-St.-Andrć a ‘transitionaT cultural (and chronological ?) position like that of Wehringen. Notę that the fdloesof the whcds from La CAte-St.-Andrć have recently been dated dendrochronologically to ca. 745-735 BĆ. See Bocquet 1990,36-37.
20) Iron is. however, found in quantity in PlaAany grave 5 which, it was argued above. can be dated to Kossack's Ha C1 phasc, despite its Gundlingen sword. Iron is found in a number of other graves with Gundlingen swords: LitomćHce; iron loggie, two iron rings, iron ‘Omcga-clip1; Demmelsdorf (without a sword but with an A4 chapc): smali iron knife; Lengenfeld tumułus 1 of 1894: smali iron fragment, possibly from a knife (see notę 2). The objects in the hoard of Schorlenbetger Forsthaus may not belong to a single chronological horizon. and some could be later than Ha C (Sprater 1939). Notę also the iron swords which seem to belong to the Gundlingen type (induding the iron sword with bronze hilt, of Gundlingen or Thames type. from the Dijle near BatteL Warmenboł 1987,60; 63. fig. 30); the manufacture of iron swords or sword bładcs seems to have achieved a iimited popularny already in the Umfield period (Kimmig 1981, with older literaturę).