ACTA UNIVERSITAnS WRATISUWIENSIS No 2960 Studia AlChcotogictnc XL Wrocław 2007
Świbfti B1 yillagc łn thc northem part of ihc districi of Gliwice in Silcsian UpluŻ in thc Mała Pancw rivcr basin (Fig. 1). The cemetery bełongs to tbe t^fical kr thc (feęalochow a -Gliwice subgroup of thc Uppcr Silesian-Little Po* Irałjroupof the necropolises with various burial rites. Among thc uncovered 57fi pives, ińhumations definitely prcdominatc; howcvcr, there are much fcwer tTcatąti.ofl grave>, both in unts and pita. Unfortunately, the bonę materiał was in i poor Kale of preser. atkm. what in most cases precludcs the possibility anthro-potagjKal analysis. It was carried out only for a part of crematod bone-rcmains. 'oocofwhkh hadbeen carlicr intcrpteted as animal bone-remains. The analyses rftustof theitems did not support those presumptions. Thereby in somc cases sldiiHlU crcmatioa burials, as well as double burials. were discovered in inhu-^Magram.
Tbe oblong gravc pits situatcd along the N-S linę. oftcn possessed a stone pickingand rand) were covcrcd with a stone pavement (sotnetimes cvcn reaching 9ntl%«n) la raić cases somc traccs of boards were noriced. on which a dead •a lad, ar some timber supports placcd undcr iron artefacts were found. The dad wer latd on thcir supinc, with their head directed to the North. Among the pne|oods pottery predominatcs. in a set that was typical of that region: a pot, a WltfijJ i cup placcd ncxt to cach othcr in the northem part of the grave; spora-Wly avue-like vcssel or platcs were found.
Tiul cemetery is distinguishablc by a significant number of bronze products tppToximatcly 900 items) mostly standardiscd fi nery and sporadically tools.
I *ol|ectsilsooccur in a large number (almost 400). and there are a few leaden ‘■'tllithlc products.
Morami in Oliwi cc.
Ttarnauer/ was uncovcrcd by accidem in 1936. In Ihc same ycar 2 graves were c\amincd.
ii 1461 u 1992 Ihc excavatK>ni were camcd oui by thc Muscum in Gliwice. The matmali ^hdhWcdoaly a random; the daboration of those malcńals has began reccmly.