angol 2

angol 2




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The people who work for a company, all the people on its payroll, are its Staff, workers or workforce. But these words can mean just the people carrying

ose leading it.and organizing it: the managemeaL dl

a company, rather than those Notę: Workforce, work-forc!

lcover different fites.

A company’s m os t,se n i d&-Yn anage rśTusu a 11 y work in its hcad office or he.^qn^rtbVsu(HQf^Some managers have their own iindividual offices, hut in many businesses, most employees i yjL/y^work in opęg-plan offices: large areas where many people ^ 1    - together. Administration or, informally, admin, the

everyday work supporting a company’s activities, is often done in offices like these by a^minisn^tiye staft flfr supporK-staff. For example, those giving technical help^o huwfs-of,, the company’s products are in technical support. \




A company’s ąctiyitięs may^ę s



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An open-plan office


yfasTuU*. - 6

6.1 Look at A, B and C opposite to find the answers to the crossword.

\uMOV    formsof

1 -u^ Amio^6nr]' n


2 and 17 Office workers may wear this. (5,6) ''5-A11 the people working for a company. (5)

........... workers use

their hands. (6)

IbWhen people stop working to protest. (6) 'Fftspne of the people working for an organization. (8) ł"vFlvQccasions when workers stop working to protest:


13s^nother name for the human resources department. (9) ''T2t'AVorkers seen as a i—^group. (6)

48 and 15 down Yarious

protest at work. (10,6)







(Down.    O

’k£veryone working for a    5 The place in a factory where

company is on this. (7)    the production lines are. (4, 5)

!''2»Eyeryone, or everyone except ^SkWhen people stop work to top managers. (9)    complain about something. (8)

sS>These are trade in the UK and^^Sl^and 12 When workers labor in the US. (6)    intentionally produce less.

'^Ktnd 17 across.Manuał    (2,4)

workers may wear this. (4,6)

Labour is spelled labor in AmE. Labor unions^ oreanizations^efending the interests of workers (AmE) are called trade unions in*5rE,— n. a.    1

,___________,.__appy wi

yALlS&Ą (j4vVJ . .

tri^ stóppage or walk-out: workers stop working for a time.

When workers are not -happy^id^pay or conditlons. they may take jndustrial action

pi C4    ui naiiv~uuu w uu\uu otup ttuhuii^ *wi «

go-slo\ff:‘workers continue to work, but morę slowly than usual.

■ anpvertimJ

ban: workers refuse to work morę than the normal number of hours.

'CA.(J MoAjfWMfh i

ces Cvijy U UwbwĄ

tan resources department (

^ fA/ooe^ mi

Personnel and human resources

In larger organizations there is a human resources department recruitment, etc. This area is called human resources (HR) or human resource managę (HRM). Another name for this department is the personnel department.

2hrd) that deals with pay, £nL


6.2 Manuel Orriz is the founder of a Spanish Computer sales company. Use the words in B and D opposite to complete what he says about it.

I founded Computadoras Creativas 20 years ago. We started with a smali (1) 0 Jjj l^in Madrid. Our (2) tą & ę.1 O^KJL, our (3)\V£JF&^B^£!!ł!Z. is still here, but now we have sites all over Spain, with about 500 employees. Many of the offices are (4)    * - 0 everyone works together, fr^rnjianagers to

(5)5r    C    as well as people selling over theffiione. and

people in technical (6)    OOfjgiving help to ciisromprs nver rhe phone.

Recruitment is taken care of in Madrid, by the (7)    £5

d-jt^)4" I

(8) Md




Ovcr ło ąou

Think about the company you work for or one you would like to work for.

Where is its head office? How many sites does the company have? How many employees? Is itbetter to have everyone on one site or to have different sites with different activities? Do people have their own offices or are there open-plan offices?

Which type do you / would you prefer to work in?


Business Yocabulary in Use

Business Yocabulary in Use




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