Which of your designs to datę would you like to be remembered by?
I'm still working on that one.
How do you think others view your work?
You really need to ask them, but I am always struck by the variety of views.
Which designer has influenced you the most and why?
Honestly? My inspiration has often come morę from sculpture and engineering, from people like Noguchi and Brunei.
If you were not a designer, what would you like to be and why?
Probably involved in the frontler of cyberspace, or doing charity work, sculpture or civil engineering
What role do you think the designer has in society today ?
To improve It.
Do you buy a lot of design pieces?
Everything you buy will have an element of design in it, from your car to your airline ticket to your carton of milk.
Is there a design in your home that you couldn't livewithout?
I think I could quite happily live without any of it.
Where do you think design is heading? Is there someone we should be watching out for?
There are morę and morę fantastic, skilled and innovative designers emerging and being trained in the West, a lot of them chasing the same types of design work. Bigger, morediverse industries need their skills morę and we will see a shift eastwards.
Pendant globe light, Copper Shade
Tom Dixon Plastic polycarbonate with metalized copper finish
Incandescent lamp Diam:45cm(i7’Ain) Tom Dixon, UK www.tomdixon.net
Is the cult of the personality taking over the design world?
Not nearly as much as in musie, television, royalty, politics and sport. We have a long way to go before Marc Newson is as well known as Kylie.
Suspension lamp, Supergiu
DiegoRossiand Raffaele Tedesco Aluminium 150W incandescent or halogen bulb,
42W fluorescent bulb, 70W metal halide bulb H: 32,5cm (l3in)
Diam: 37 5cm Osin) Luceplan SpA, Italy www.luceplan.com