-»th row: 6ch (ooimlas Itr. 2ęh), siop hrst 2sc. 1 sc irito esc- oi *exi 3sc. *5ch. r.k,p 3SC. 1SC .'lito aach of nex: 3sc: rep frorr. * to last 2so. 2ch. ttr into łasi sc. tum.
5th row: ich, 1sc into first tr. 2sc into 2ohsp.--.kip Isc, <SCintoSC,'5SCiiito riBx1 5ch arch. skip * sc. t sc into nex! sc; rep from * to las! 2o!> ap. 2sc into last sp. 1 sc into 4th ct 4ch at be$ ot orcviou$ rew. tom.
6th row: ich, isc into each ot lirsl 2sc, "ach. skip CISC, 1SC in|o cuch of ne»c: 3sc; (Bpftoiri • to end ornicmg Iscajęndoflasr rep. tern.
Rep 3rd to 6:h rows.
IV. 7
Staning srain: Mulriple of 7 gts * 5.
1st row (righl slde): Work Isc into 6th ch "om hcok. 1feh, skip feh. *intr, r.sxt ch .vork (ISC, 4ch, 1sc). ‘.Och. skip 6ch: rep ■rom * to last ch, into łasi ch work (tsc. 2ch. 1dcj. turn.
?nd row: Uch l.count as litr, 5cit). into nsxt lOch arch work [1sc> 4ch, tsc], '' Och, inio risx! lOch arch work{1sc, 4ch. ■ sc]: rep from ’ to end, ech mr i nto Srd :1 Sch r-A hep Of prcvicuS rów, tum.
3rd rov/: 5:h Icc.ntas lec 2ch), Isc into -s: arch, 1 och, ■ nlo nexl 10ch 3rch work sc. 4ch. tsc], IGch: rep from * tc last --ch, Into last aren work [Isc. 2cn, idc],
reo 2rd and 3-d rews.
Jc-scial Abbrcvlation : :::og - work 1<jc ln;o COCh Ol ncxt 2SC 1 leop ot sach remains on hcok, yo rc tnrougb all :i ioops C' hook
-* e Sch. si st into first cr. to form a ring. ■c routld: 'cli. work 15sc into ring. sl st first SC.
. : round: [3ch. ćc2:og over next 2sc, s. st into next sc] S times placing .-j?r U r ito first sc Ol yrovioua round.
’: asn ofi.
Star ling Chain: Multipla ot 5 sts - 2.
1 st row (right sine}: Work I SC ir:‘.o 2"d oh from hOCk. 1SC inio each ch tc snc, tum. 2nd row: Ich 1$ę nto eacn ot lirsi 2sc. *5cti. akip 2sc. 1 sc Into each of r.sx- $sc: rep Iren * to cod ómilting I sc a: end ct last rep. tern.
3rd row: Ich. Isc into Iirst sc. *5sc into rsxi Sch arch, skip 1-sc. isc into :.ext sc: reo from ‘ tc end. :um.
Spccial Abbreviaticn Bobble-work 3lr intb ncxlacur:1il l osp of each rerrsins on hock. yo a-.d :hrnugh sil 4 leops on hnck.
Maks uch. s! st into ;irsr oh to 'orm a ring. isi round: 1ch. work -2scin:o ring. sl st into first sc.
2nd round: *4ch. work I oohbs into next sc, 4ch. a al -tc each ot rsxt 2so: -sp from * 3 tmes moro omif.ing t sl sta! end Ol ast rep. 7ch. work Isc into 2nd ch from r.ook, isc inSO each Of next 5-ch, s! al into Iirst sc on first round. Fssrsn off.
Stanią Chain. Mt/lipe ci 5 sts - 2.
Ist row (right sids;: Work ise into Pn d ch trem liock. ’{4cti. tsc imc 3ra eh rrom hocki lwice, 'C'; skip ech. tac into next
Ch; rep frern ‘ tc 9nc, lurr. 2ncJrovv:9c!i(ęounlas !ctf.4cb).lsc nto 3rd ch ircm hcok, ich, isc inio center ot iirst arch. 'f4ch. 1 sc into3rdcr. kom hook] twice. ich’ tsc Inio center Ol rio\l arch: rep from ‘to enc.-lch. Isci.nloSrrtchfrom book, -.ch, 'dh inio laalsc. turn.
3rd row: Ich. tsc into first dtr, *{4ęh, 1sc Alo3r<Jcli (romhcok]twice. Ich. Iscinto center of rsxt arch; rop from * lo urid pscr.g łasi sc into 5lh o: fen at bfig of prevous rew. tein
Rep 2nc ano :tro row®.
3ch, isc into iirst of these ch.