You will need food-safe metal canisters: spray primer; green spray paint: border stickers: and Mary Engeibreit flower stickers. black alphabet stickers. and pre-pasted wallpaper cutouts.
I Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. page 93 Prime, then paint canister exteriors green.
2. Adhere wallpaper cutout to front of each canister. Label lid with alphabet stickers. Add flower and border
stickers as desired.
You will need a white metal niral mailbox. spray primer. red spray paint, white acrylic paint, */«" round foam brush. yellow card stock, elear self-adhesive covering, border stickers. red and white alphabet stickers. painter*s masking tape. elear acrylic sealer. and Mary Engeibreit flower and black alphabet stickers.
1. Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. page 93. Place masking tape 2'h" from back of mailbox and 3" from front of mailbox. wrapping completely around mailbox. Mask the indented rcctangle on the door front. Prime. then paint both ends of mailbox red.
2. Read Painting Designs. pages 93-94. to add white dots to mailbox with foam brush.
3. Cut a 6” x 37." oval from yellow card stock Add lettering to oval. Cover oval with self-adhesive covering; trim sheet'/«" outside edge of oval. Adhere oval to side of mailbox.
4. Add lettering to indented rectangle on door. Add border stickers to top and bottom of rectangle.
5. Covering holes in bottom. wrap border stickers around body of mailbox. Decorate white area of bread box with flower stickers: add white alphabet stickers to flag. Apply sealer to mailbox.
You will need a 14" x 9'A" wooden tray. three > ' |F square white ceramic tiles. three 4'/-»" square black H ceramic tiles. tile adhesive. white tile grout. grout I sealer. soft rubber trowel, matte decoupage giue. B primer. white and yellow acrylic paints, pasnibrushew black and white check border stickers. Krylon' CrysB Clear acrylic coating. and a Mary Engeibreit walipapB border.
1. Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. pageu>|r
Prime tray. Paint interior of tray white: paint rims. ■ outside edges. and insides of handles yellow. j
2. Adhere tiles in tray with tile adhesive. Using trowS apply grout to joints between tiles and around outiB edge. wiping off excess. Wipe away residue on t;le$B and let dry Apply grout sealer to grout; wipe awayB residue on tiles and let dry.
3. Cut desired designs from wallpaper border. Decoupage to tiles.
4. Apply border stickers around inside top edge of ■ tray. folding as needed around curves.
5. Apply acrylic coating to tray.
You will need a 272'w fiat curtain rod. gree:i fabicH white mini piping. white jumbo rickrack. four plastifl rings. iwo cup hooks. and Mary Engeibreit black I ‘Home* fabric
Mflfc/i rigftl sides and use a '// seam for al! sorifl
unless otherwise indicated.
1. Mount curtain rod.
2. To determine width of each fabric panel. measuiB length of rod; multiply by 2.5 and divide by 2
3. To determine length of each fabric panel, measuł from top of rod to desired finished length; add lO.fl
4. Cut two black fabric panels the determined measurements, piecing if necessary.
5. Press sides of each fabric panel 'h" to wrona sideł lwice; topstitch Press bottom of each fabric panclB to wrong side. Press 2" to wrong side again: lopstitB