SECT10NCl Rom: lit through 5th mil* Ughldusty


1*1 through 9th rows: Pal* p*ik lOttr and I Uh n>«» I »#il ikisty «•»«

I2th through lilh nmre: Pale pink Ar*. U field Area 2: Orange Area 3: Uark gre*n.

Area* 4. 5 and 6: Pale green Arra 7: Biur

SECTION D. Rom: Work Rw « *»m» rokit. a* Łw Secaon C.

Arna* 1. 2 and 3: Pale omen Area 4: Oange Arra 5: Gokl Ai«a 6: Oark green.

Area 7: Bkie

SECTION E: Rom: Ul IhtonghSlhmd*: Otfkpccn 1*1 through 9łlr tow»: Pale green lOih and 1 llh roiaa: Datk ‘jrecn 12th through 15lh rimC Palegroen.

Arra. I. 2 and 3: Dark greer.

Area 4: Orairje Area 5: field Area 6: Dark green Area 7: Bhie

SECTION F: Rom: Wbtk Rom in WIM cokltt as lof Secdon E Area I: Orany*

Area 2: Gold

Area* 3 through 6: Dark green Area 7: lUiw

SECTION G: Rom: Wtofk Rece In same edart nr lor Scceon A.

Area l: Ołamjr

Area 2: Gdd

Area 3: Pale greeii

Area* 4. 5. and 6: Dork green

Area 7: Hut

Notę: V*ek willi rtghl sldes iadng ycu. lot al iomingt Jolnlng Sec Ilon A lo Sectlon B: WfS pn* gmin lorm Ip on hook Słarting al polni ol Ania 4 on Section A Idol on Diagioml, sc In ip at pomt. ch l. ik rp al peml oł Area 6 ci Sectlcn B. jc in nexl tp nkinfl «4«C«nl edge ci Section B. * ch 1. ae In n*xl sp on Secdon A ch 1. sc n rand tp on Socflon B Rep henr ’ 32 tirre*. emlng ullh

sc In sp at pani oł Aren 6 on Se<*onB(dc« on Diagram)

Break oH

Jolnlng Section A lo Section C: Wth oraru*. bm Ip cn hook. Startmu al pani ii Area 6 on Secdon A tc B Ip al polni (doi on Diagram), ch 1 *c in ip ol prlrł fl Area 6 on Sectron C. * ch 1 tc H iwal sp on Sccdoi A Ch 1. K W rwt! tp en Sectton C Rep from *. mdlij tal rep urah sc in tp befote rp nl ep d Area 3 on Sreten C Break oH

Jolnlng Sccllon F lo Secllon G: VWth dl»l J‘tn. sc tn marfced *p on lOUr n« ci Arre 7 on SrKDon G ItHl ch 1. k in *p nl polni ol Area 7 on Srencn E * ch ł. *» oeu tp en Section G. ch 1. sc tn nrxt rp on Secdon F lt*j Sam * 26 times. endmg l«U rep wuh sc In łasi tp cn Au 6dSecdenG Breakofl

JolnlngSeclioretF andG loSccilonCi Wtlrg. <i «c In tp al peent on Area 7 ot Secdon G. ch 1. * in polni ol Area 7 on Serton C. * <h 1, tc In ncxt tpca Section G. ch 1, tc In ncxt ip on Secdon C Rep tron *. |cmng ihc reirciran 16 sp* ol Secdon G, dwa |0lri ncd 27 spr ol Section F lo Sec tlen C. endng laa tep relfi d I, ICtn ponl ci Arna 3 on Socncn C Break oll kluk lal sc wocked on Secdon F

Jolnlng Sertlon D 10 Sectloo E: Wnh dres gisei

work hi same manna aa lor tarana Set Don f * Secson G Stan in rtwaked tp on lOh rore o( Arra 7 c* Secdon F.

Jolnlng Secllon* D and E lo Section B: Wth gcii

wo«k In same marmer at fot wming Secdont F arelG* Secson C Mark otl *c werked ml Socllcn D

Nolr: lim weik to thal lawet «c^c s berrg Lt>*«til

SECTION H: Ul tow: W.Ci b»je tc ocet msckcdlntrg X on Sochon F; working townrdi pani ol Area cn Sa-non A ch 3. rk aboul 'V aSnng si&i, sc In rexl tp fch3 tp madel Mark m« sp Wfark 14 mrrr ch-3 spr rpaced aooss. cncing %»tlh >c In potu oł Ava 5 ch 3 a tn seme tp. vw*k 1S ch-3 sp ev«nly aooo. cnchiu tc «> mdtktsl jninlng sc on Sec tlen D <31 tpl Mark Vnt p uorked Dr l. hien

2nd roer Sc et Attl sp. (ch 3. tc In nec tp: 15 ttm ch 3, * In same tp at !as» tc. Ich 3. *c In n«xl rpl 16 ln»» ch l. tum. Rep 2nd tow 15 Umet mora Break crt

Jolnlng Seclłoo H lo Section F. With add. % n llrsl maiked tp on l i. ch l. * m nexl urratrked spon Secdon F. * ch 1. K »l rant $|> on H, ch 1. sc In nrst* on Secllon F Rep ńom * 15 hmc*. mdlng tc In Wtl tpaa At.» orf Section F

Joining Srcllon H lo Section D: Wllh fki «rt In same manner as fot ;aravj Seclkrn H lo S«lkn F


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