*CTK)NI: Ul tow:VMthHu*.te«i*pa«p«Mo<Ai*a

Jmśw«on R tłi 6. ik at«iui W aloaj «ly« x n«*! i l* lup ttvsi> i WA«V23 men* ch 6 spo'"•••riy *pac«d om cndtng »«h toi »c m iip Mow *p ac part an xtm M (24 cp). th 6. hirn

Ud kiwi Sc in &rsl tp 4 ch 6 k m nrt .p Rop lim •b wlbn IM 2 tp. ch 6. non M Ihraufh 11 th rew*: Rop 2nd row 9 ttrw* mooo


I2th ro»- Sc m lirtl «p paco mnrtu-r In «|> iou Iramed. diłetCiniicUsp Break oR

itCTlON J: łat iow: Wnhbhic. wotkingon wrona nde. « ii *p ci panc oł Ansa 6 on Scctlnn D and wotk at toi


itCTION K: 1*1 iow: Utah bkio. ac m rrwrkod tp on kMi L th b, u In rani tp |ch-6 K mado) Warte 10 rew CM) tp «v*nły acroa*. onding wtth ic In tp betów pMlcłSccecn H <11 tpl. th 6 In part wwk dn. ch 6 ad dr Irnwfc ihH ipl. work 12 V ov*nlp acrott. andmu oh k ki Tarluid sp on Sectton J (2S ipl. ch 6 tum ład iow: Sc in Icłl H> * ch & *c tn w! «p Rop firn •fcaCtimmiłlwd ip. ch fc in maritod ap wcek *Ł th 6 m! di imaik tpl. * ch 6. k In nec ap Kop hom * lo itut wk 2 ip ch 6, tum Rep 2nd row 10 trna mat Break ofl Maik tp at Bp ol Sortem K.

itCTION la lat iow- VMth błuo. te » fu* ap ałong aa** tdge oł Scctun I. woafc 29 eh 6 tp» «venly tpacod ctm iriimy uUh te In matkod tp on Soeflon K. eh 6. I0k

Ud row: Scin*nlłt> * ch 6, ac m nrxl ap Kop hm ‘o»thn Wtl 3 tp. ch6. tum Rop 2nrt iow h Omss moi* ilpl nniiang eh 6at ond ol Uli row Bccak aR

SŁCTION M: UAth Hue *c lo (rat ap along outer tógt oł sacton J and work a* for Sacłon L

SFCTIO.N N: lal row: IMOi błua, ic mp ni pani oł Ania3on SocUon G Ich(\ tk nett ip KiniwkI ap) truci, ch 6. «k gnwn jolnlng tp) tc In rui ki ap. Ich 6. sk iwxl tp Kin rant ap) 8 tmn, andng wnh hst sc In K> halom *p M point ol A«a 3 on Secnm F (25 apl. <h 6 tum

2nd tlirough I2th rtrwa- WWi aa ku 2nd thn«j</> I2lh iowf oł Scelkus I (3 tpl Break ul

SECTION O: WMi błua wotklnp on wtung udc. ietn*i <*l point ot Aan b on Sectiiin E and work as ku Sachno N

SECTION P; I at row Witt Wua.se m mukad ap at end

ol lOth row akmguppafedgaołSartonB. ch3.sk about Ib" atong nack edge. sc tn neict tp Ich 3 «p mada! Wfcuk 27 mam ch 3 ap mn^ acnwj. ending w«h ac In eona apcnding sp on Sactlon C 128 spk ch 3. tum 2nd row: Sc in trał sp, eh 3. sc m nax) tp Rap ton • to withln lat! 2 tp. ch 3. tum Rap 2nd row 10 trnn rema (6 tpl Break ol

LDGING UAuklng along upper edge wllh błua, ic tn ip al point ol Arna 6 en Scc«un E. * eh 3. sk ncxl ip. sc In nmt sp Rep hom * acrow upper edge. endntg wlth kast sc in sp al point oł Anta 3 on Sathon G Break o4

TIES: Utah Bold. ch 2 wtuk 8 ac In 2nd ch hom hook, eh 35 tłsłmagnWioio^l^onDtngiainl. tum. d st In eoch th acima »l U In 6nt sc Break otl Make anothei V at nhar X


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