30 (37)

30 (37)

Work as rjive-. toi 111.55 but wotking I round n each of cctors A. B and C. tran work 4th and 5th rounds in A.

II 1.25

Special Abbre*rlation Dc2tog = werk 1cc ima next dc unii 2 ioops rcrtiain on hook. skip 2dc. work ‘ dc nto next dc until 3 Icops rernair. en hook. yo and Iftrough all 3 ioops on hco'<.

'■teka iCch. c< sl iiilfe first ch to forrn ahng. 1 st round; 3ch (ooun: as tdc}, work 31 cc nto ring, s3 st irilo 3rd of 3ch at fceg oi round.

Ind round: [7ch. skip 3do, s! st into ner, cc] 7 times. Ser., tir :-.fo sarny st as las: st ol previous round.

3rd round: 3Ch. work Ode -:tc top ol tr. ; dc Into 41h ch of nevt 7r.h arch] 7 limos.

Si into 3/C cl 3cb a: bao oi rounc. i!h round: SI Sl iftlo do. Gch (count us Idc. 3cli). 'skip 1a'c. into n$x1 dc WOrk • och, 1 |r], 3ch. skip t dc. dc2tog. 3ch, o Idc. Isc into r*exl dc, 3ch. skip 1dc. ~o?Icg. 3ch;rep Irptri' 3 times rnore omit-rg 1dc2tog and 3oh a- e.nd c; ac-1 rep. • u Idc. 1 dc into next dc. sl st into 3rd of :at beg of round-

rtr. round: 1ch. Iscinto samo S! as lasl

-    :4. ’3SC into naxt 3ch sp. Isc into ner

-    Ssc into Sch amh, 1§c nld r«xt tr. 3sc - neta 3Ch sp. Isc into top of naxl

mltog. 3sc into next 3c*. sp, 1$c mtonoxt 3SC irtto nóxt 3ch sp. tsc into too of ->tdc2tog: repfrom * 3 times moreomil-: 1 sc ai er.c of last rap. sl sr into rirsj SC. •' istenofi

A = Dc2log


Special Abbrsviation

3-Plcot Clustor = »vork4ch. a! st into tiret

ch. [3ch, sl st into same Ch aa iirst sl at]


Malca ech, sl st into Iirst ch to ferm s ring.


Ist round: ter. work 12SC intc r-.g. sl st ■nto tirst sc

2nd round: 3ch (counl us tdc). Idc into same st as last si st werk 2cc into each of nex: 11sc. sl s: into 3rd of 3dh a- beg of round.

3rd round: tch. tsc /nto same ot os tasi s! sr. -isc into cachol next 23cc. sl s: into lirsl sc.

4th round: ich, 1&s into same sc as last Sl sl. 5di. stóp 2ac. [ 1 sc into nex: sc, 5ch. skip 2sc] 7 'tirr.es. sl S! into first sc 5th round; 1ch. t sc into sama st as fas*. Si sl. 'into naxt Sch arch work [mcc. 3dc 3-picot c-oslcr. 3dć. 1hdc]. 1so into next Sc; rep from * 7 limes morę omilUng 1sc at anri o: lasl rep. sl st i-ito first sc.

6th round: (chi, 1sn nto same st as last sl st, *7ęn, isc Into centar pico: ci 3-pinot Cluslar. 7ch, 1 sc into rext sc: rep 'rcrri' 7 times mere OiRiltirig 1 ac at and of last rep, sl st into tirst sc.

7th round: Sl st m;n first ~C arch. tch, [work osc into noxt 7cti aron, 3-pioot c.lus-ter. 8sc into same /co orch| 3 liusus. sf st inro first cc. Fasteri ofi.


Work as giver, for III.27 bul wortóng Ist. 2nd and 3rd rounds n A, ^th and 5th ■'Ouncs in 5 and Gth and 7th rcunrts in C.



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