fo3434RE-23R -3-
H. Receives V* allowance while in the RPF and is not eligible for bonuses.
F. May bcrth only in one area in separate RPF quarters. May not berth with the rest of crew. (An RPF berthing area must be assigned and is to be dormitory and deck style.)
G. May not originate written or spoken communication to terminals outside the RPF, not including the RPF 1/C and any of his Staff. The only exceptions to this restriction are: a) replying to a communication originatcd to the RPF member by Staff or executives, or family members; b) writing standard Knowledge Reports; c) originating communication to another in the event of an emergency, such as injury, fire, etc., or to obtain information necessary to execute authorized RPF deck projects as cleared by the RPF ł/C: d) writing to non-Scientology family members as needed per standard PTS Type 1 handlings as worked out with the RPF MAA; e) periodically speaking on the phone with any non-staff family members, but only if required due to a rcal situation (as opposed to just “chatting" or “staying in comm" which is morę easily done in writing by letter) providing the phone calls are done in the presence of Security staff or RPF I/C.
H. Has rank or rating lowered two grades upon assignment to RPF.
I. Has rank or rating suspended until graduation. (Members of the RPF would address RPF seniors, and juniors where appropriate, by post titlc such as “MAA" or “Bosun.”) (Ref: Esto Tapes 5 and 6, 3 Mar. 72. HANDL1NG PERSONNEL)
J. Is part of an RPF mess only, which is separate from the crew mess.
K. May not attend crew parties or any crew or public events.
L. Is denied normal canteen privileges but may use vending machines or the canteen when not in use by the crew, but only at authorized times.
M. Takes no cigarette breaks in the RPF and doesnT smoke indoors, including berthing spaces.
N. Wears the uniform which is approved for the RPF in that area as appropriate to Sea Org location as long as approved on authorized lines. The RPF' member wears a black arm band on his right sleeve.
O. Must move quickly and run on the decks on Sea Org bases. (This does not mean groups of RPF members run down public streets together or othcrwise use this to cause out-PR. It also does not mean that in rare instances, persons with a medical situation such as an injury are forced to run. But when on the decks and on the Sea Org base, RPF members pride themseh es on their ąuality of product and the speed in which this is accomplished.) Shuffling. half running and walking have no part in this. The RPF must be snap-and-pop in all of its actions (which includes running) and it is the responsibility of each RPF member as well as the RPF I/C to see that this occurs.
P. May not enter staff or public areas, except when necessary' for assigned cleaning or work duties in those areas, under a section leader.
Q. May not use any crew or public recreational facilities at any time.