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Rftferythings OK back ptaoe hem te Cork. tts osom

m&w $ee the nver Lee fiW$ HB The m ts H and a Łfcedroom but (fs tjrfi^desfcandmy

BB and hełpfuł


0 Suggested Answor    Q    An*w

It aii began in 1994 when Amy Lee and Ban    u alt degar'

Moody met at a camp in Littie Rock, Arkansas in the    BeyoncA Knowte

USA. Ben and Amy liked the same kind of musie.    RH band in II

Tłiey started their band in the iate 1990s.    members, Beyc

Evanescence was not a tamous band from the    Michnę HHB

very beginning. in 1999 they recorded and released    Daniny’s Ct

a few songs to a local radio station and they soon    very ©eginamc

became popular, in February 2000; their two    <£Herent musk

singles Bting me to Ute and My tmmortat, wt»ch    reieesed their

wara part of the soundtrack for the ftim Darećevii    BhBBB

H became hits and were at the top of the chearts.    I was the B

ftwas the beginning of their success,    reieased Th

In RGB 2003, Evanescence reieased B    successfui e

BR I It sołd over 2.5 miiiton copies in the    |B|

U$. in onły seven months, Faflen reaehed number    onektthed

one in the UK charts and it sold oyer 10 HB    ki 2000

copies HI the world.    BB H|

BHBHB ts now ons of the HB suceessful number ||| bandsof aiłbme. They HB frorrt the heart and their    H|BH

■imiate k Citm tn kd frir mmw v»A£*r3t to mmo    ^V kttteadkMI


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