

http ://madam. sytes. net

n e c k

rnd 1 (r s ): With RSfacing, join soft navy at bot tom of neck edge, ch 3 (seePat tern Nc/ta$, dc i n u nu sed Ip of each ch around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

rnd 2 : C h 3, *f p dc arou n d n ext dc, b pdc aro u n d n ext d c, rep f r om *aro u n d t o I ast 2 d c, d c d ec (seeSt/tch Guic/ę) i n I ast 2 h dc, j o i n i n 3 r d ch of beg ch-3.

rnd 3 : C h 3, *f pd c ar ou n d n ext st, bpd c ar ou n d next st, rep from * around to Iast 2 sts, dcdecin I ast 2 sts, join in 3 rd ch of beg ch-3. Fast en off.

n u M e r a I s

n u M e r a I 1

With soft navy, ch 17, hdc i n 3rd ch from hook, hdcin each rem ch across. Fast en off.

n u M e r a I 8

With soft navy, ch 1 5, join to form aring, ch 2, 29 hdcin ring, join in 2ndchof beg ch-2. Fast en off. (SOfiet#

With soft navy, ch 1 5, place en d of ch through pr ev\ou s r i n g, bei n g caref ul n ot t o t w i st ch, j oi n i n f i r st ch t o for m r i n g, ch 2, 2 9 h d c i n r i n g, j oi n in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Fast en off.

Fin i s H i n g

Referringto photofor placement, sew NumeraJs to back of Sweater.


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