41 2

41 2

p. 01

# APF-41



CvtNIWG 'Jr.l.m

• 41 t VL'M X KG DKESS

1.    Sou tho d*rt» In tho bodlco ond in tho tuli* bodlco 1lnlnc*

2.    Turn doun tho bodlco ncck fielB( and hond icv to tho tn»tOo of tho bodlco.

3.    fold tho nock hond in half--sou--1urn and hond iow U to tho irli lin* on tho bodlco--hand sou tho ©nds to tho dot s on tho boch bodlco.

4.    Pin tho ploats in tho skirt top«-stop stltch in placo--■ark tho contor front.

rj. Pin tho bodico to tho okirt--notchinc tho contor fronts--

• o*.

6.    Turn tho bodlco focinc ond okirt plackot to tho inołdc ond sou in piaco by hond.

7.    Turn tho skirt bock spllt ot th« h©» ond hond snu in place.

8. Sou tho reno indor of tho skirt bock on tho nochiao.

9. Ilon tho skirt bp hand--scw snaps ot tho bodlco for closlne.

10. Sou vorious colorod soąulns vory thlck on tho bodlco

insldo tho tria oroo.


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