FO 3434RE-29
for eacli subscqucnt level, cxccp( New OT V. There, he again must get a fuli OT Eligibility check and submit a ncw CSW for okay to begin this Ievel.
It is the responsibility of the RPF I/C to ensure that the RPF tnetnber has okay froin RTC to start the level and has signed a non-disclosure bond, before he is allowed on the level.
Ali generał rules and rcgulations with regards to the storage and use of Advanced Course materials apply as per HCO PL 8 Jan. 8IR, ADVANCED COURSE REGULATIONS AND.SECURITY
These rules are laid out to guarantee the security of Advanced Course materials, while also allowing access to those RPF members who require these materials as part of their RPF program.
As LRH said in HCO PL 11 Aug. 71 V, SECURITY OF DATA:
“Until we ourselves have climbed well out of the hole, we must safeguard the materials. Our case gains depend on it. And others could make our salvage of people impossible.
“We do not safeguard these materials from any commercial eonsideration. Our futures, those of each of us and those of all Scientologists, depend on our keeping this materia! under lock and safeguarded from abuse until we are well away as a group and can handle things better as individuals as well as a group.”
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Grateful acknowledgment is madę to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrightcd works of L. Ron Hubbard. SCIENTOLOGY, HCO, LRH, FLAG and OT are trademarks and scrvicc marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. SCIENTOLOGIST is a collecttve meinbcrship mark designating members of the affiliatcd Churches and missions of Scicntology. Printed in USA.