FO 3434RH-31
6. Fully tabbed evidence that thc teclinology of Sec Checking and PTS checking* for nonsurvival considerations and evil purposeś on all dynamics has be en standardly applied to rave results.
7. RPF finał assessmcnt videotape showing that nothing was missed.
A cover CSW is to be placed on top of the PT folder which clearly States WHY the person was assigncd to the RPF (including the RPF assignment) and evidence clearly tabbed that this has been fully handled. Such would include, for exanip!e, graphs and reports received from the person's seniors in the RPF or others as concrete proof in the physical universe that his or her cvil purposes have been handled and which show that the person's behavior and production record warrant graduation. The person's ethics folders must also be part of the CSW package The primary point to be reviewed is that the evil purposes have been run out and fully dealt with as demonstrated by his or her conduct and actions.
If the CSW package is received with one or morę of the above points omitted it will be retumed as an incomplete CSW without ftirther review until it is correctcd.
Authorized by
*For data on what “PTS checking for nonsurvival considerations and evil purposes on all dynamics” is, sec HCOB 28 Feb. 84, C/S Series 118, PRETENDED PTS.
FLAG, LRH, OCA, REUGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER and SCIENTOLOGY are irademarics and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with i ta permission. Printed in U.S.A.