Answer Key

1 lava 2 climate 3 rise 4 lead 5 wiped 6 face

1 definitely 2 provided 3 long 4 unless 5 from 6 in

6 I had a map


ld 2d 3c 4b 5c Gd

6 if Lhe artists here sell many paintings


1 definitely wont be 2 going to start my 3 I am meeting 4 Leeds arrives in 5 might play instead G probably won’t see you


lc 2d 3a 4d 51) 61)

Listening ID 2A 3F 4E 5C Gb 7d Communication

1    My grades will definitely improve this year.

2    My parents will probably buy a dog soon.

3    Our dog might die soon. 4 The chances are there will be a storm this evening. 5 Our dog definitely wont bite you. 6 There probably won’t be a nuclear war in the next hundred years. 7 Perhaps scientisfs wili find a way to stop global warming. 8 Pm certainly not going to worry about the futurę.

Test 3 B


1    extinction 2 shortage 3 iiumigration

4    destruction 5 eolcanic G wasteful


1 scalę 2 waves 3 e.Ktinct 4 banks 5 lead

6    \iral


1 unless 2 In 3 soon 4 probably 5 by 6 if


1 does Chemistry finish 2 seeing the dentist at

3    might study; might study 4 wrill definitely be

5    probably wont go 6 are you going to do


la 2d 3c 4b 5d 6a

Listening 1E 2A 3F 4C 5B 6d 7a Communication 1 It might cause a tsunami. 2 The problems of pollution will definitely Lncrease 3.

It is certain that terrorists will get hołd of a nuclear bomb. 4 It Ls possible that there will be floods this winter. 5 The next world war will probably happen in space. 6 There probably won't be a fiu pandemie this year. 7 A giant meteor definitely wont hit the w^orld. S This voleano probably worft erupt again.

Test 4 A


1    successful (wTealthy) 2 braveiy 3 spa

4    pads 5 wrealthy 6 achievement


le 2c 3f 4a 5b OJ


1 by 2 up 3 dream 4 chance 5 disabilities G opportunities


1 your parents hadift given you 2 I hadift set offon 3 have been cancelled because 4 We were being driven 5 1 knewr wrhere I was G I wouldift have studied Maths


lc 2d 3b 4d 5b Ga

Reading lc 2c 3a; 4F 5T 6T 7F ST 9F Communication 1 is rlsing 2 gone dowrn 3 gone UP 4 in three 5 half G worth

Test 4 B


1    failure 2 inability 3 famę 4 suburbs 5 commercial 6 inherited


le 2c 3a 4f 5d 6b


1 up 2 exam 3 ambitions 4 opportunity 5 problems 6 opportunities


1 We’re being taken to 2 You worft be allowed to stay 3 I would have helped you 4 your parents hadift forced you 5 I hadift been lale

Reading Id 2a 3b; 4F 5T GT 7T 8F 9F Communication 1 idea to 2 gone down 3 don’t 4 one in 5 percentage 6 Most

Test 5 A


1    enrolled on 2 overtime 3 promoted

4    graduated 5 sacked G temporary


1 glanced 2 frowning 3 tmant 4 sighed

5    expelled G shuddered


1    there would be a lot of overtime that week

2    she had had a good day tliat day 3 was stire we (they) had stayed there the year before (the previous year) 4 w'as going to finish that book that night 5 w'ould test his class again the following week G nobody had known her a fewweeks previously (before)


1 not 2 if (whether) 3 must 4 be 5 were

6    would


1 where he got the ideas for his books 2 if any of her books were based on tnie stories 3 if he had won any awards 4 if she was writing anything at that moment 5 when the book would be publlshed

6    if (whether) he had any messages for łiis fcuis.

Listening 1P 2F 31 41 5F GP 7F 8P Communication 1 on (the) left 2 looks like

3    opinion 4 believe 5 headline 6 according

7    Whats morę

Test 5 B

1    part time 2 plays truant 3 overqualified f

4    oddjobs 5 take time off 6 in charge


1 gloomy 2 luxurious 3 gazing 4 career

5    resigning 6 giggle


1    the police had found a body that aftemoon

2    he was going to leave the next (following) day

3    hadn’t tlone anything the night before (the previous nigłit) 4 he was going to leave then (at that time) 5 hadift seen anyone sińce the previous Tuesday 6 we (they) would try again the following week.


1 have 2 taken 3 be 4 to 5 not 6 them


1 if he had always madę mystery films and thrillers 2 what she had tlone before she became (had become) a director 3 which actors he had enjoyed working with most

4    why he had stopped filming The Missing Maif

5    which country she liked working in most 6 if they would visit Britain again the following year.

Listening 1P 2F 3F 41 5P 6F 7P 8P Communication 1 on (the) right 2 looks as if

3    headline 4 indicates 5 could G another reason 7 opinion

Test 6 A


1    fringe 2 moustache 3 bleaclied 4 pale 5 plump 6 perm


1 audience 2 exhibition 3 performance

4    sculptor 5 stage 6 venue


Ib 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a


1 had the roof fixed 2 has the whole place cleaned 3 had had the (his) garden redesigned

4    has also had animals brought 5 is going to have a brochure printed G has had the (his) house photographed


1 when the show starts? 2 ł\owf long we will have to wait 3 who the lead singer Ls 4 this is the right place? 5 if there are any tickets left?

Reading 1A 2B 3B 4C 5 B (D) 6 D (B) 7C 8B Communication (Words in brackets also possible) 1 in (her) late 2 looks 3 tali; slim 4 tannod (brown) 5 big brown; cute (long)

G trendy 7 long (brown; trendy)

Test 6 B


1    highlights 2 pony Liii 3 shaved 4 tanned 5 inuscular 6 skinny


1 concerts 2 frame 3 sculpture 4 galleries 5 playwright G festival


Ib 2ri 3d 4h 5b 6c


1 are having their life stories told 2 has recently had his hair shavcd 3 had hers permed

4    is going to have a tattoo done 5 having their lips madę 6 have their nails manicured


1 if the show starts at 8? 2 what you are doing here 3 w hat the director s name is?

4 if we have been here before? 5 how much a ticrket costs? 6 what the signs on the wali mean?

Reading ID 2A 3B 4A 5B(D) 6 D (B) 70 8D Communication (Words in brackets also possible)

1 in (his) early 2 looks ;is if 3 short; plump

4    pale 5 wrinkles 6 unshaven 7 snuut

Test 7 A


1    out 2 gave 3 cut 4 kept (carried) 5 going

6    rink


1 agency 2 billboards 3 junk 4 spam

5    slogan 6 breaks


1 on 2 boys* 3 reduced 4 for 5 about

6    gave


1    Ali the people I know like Computer games

2    Most of the games I have played have been boring 3 Both Dan and Nick have got a ponytail (ponytaiłs) 4 Neither this shirt nor these trousers are wrell madę 5 You can either have a CD player or (you can have) a digital radio

6 There aren’t any shops as big as this one


1 trying 2 to buy 3 complaining 4 to buy 5 not to sell G being

Listening IT 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7F 8T Communication 1 would be great 2 do it for you

3    dont know how to do it 4 you a hand 5 do it myself 6 let me try 7 can do it on my own

Test 7 B


1    do 2 went 3 put 4 cut 5 kept 6 over


1 maił 2 agency 3 leaflets 4 changing 5 exchange 6 refunds


1 book’s 2 gone 3 make 4 stock 5 dispenser 6 on


1    This shop doesntsell any of the things I want

2    I will either buy the red dress or the yellow one 3 Neither the first advert nor the second one was very good 4 Pete and his brother are both students 5 Most (of the) people here hate shopping 6 Ali the shops here accept credit cards.


1 to join 2 trying 3 to do 4 looking 5 pressurising 6 living

Listening IF 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7T 8F Communication 1 rather do it 2 me to help

3    got a clue 4 you a hand 5 do it on my own G let me try 7 would be great


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