Here’s the New 1960 "BIG VALVE”
Saper Chrome"
Fiaish! ^lT'ptT.
chram is cnploycd on BSA moforcyclcs. The Super Rockel feolurw chromed fcnden, whocl rims, han-dlebart, upper forfc cowcrs, wkauił system, brdcc end piates and many ołher parli In durabie, minor - bright chram*.
Spoił ling in new Chinese Rad and Chrome finbh. wiih many n*w mechanical adMKai, tfie 1960 Super Rocket is Hw most powerfui, highest performing BSA cver buih — fhe v«ry tatest in a famous senes of fal, super-sports Twins. 1960 ńnprovrments include a largcr enrburełor which. in COfljunction wiłh mcocimuw sizcd *ołves, grrc morę pop and morę performance than everl
Sto Ihe teraational new Super Rocket and tfie completc BSA lin* — ot your dealer't naw?
EiSlm Madej Stawi. Wnlmi wisctab kawc 3 g«ll«a
ipwilt Sonii wttfc round badpn. WBITE FOS rta CATAIOG _
w*stor- D »viauio'
Hap Alzina
isren Fcc-O-y b’oncF.