64bsasales 6

64bsasales 6

Smooth, high performing 500c.c. Road Twin.

BSA hydraulJcally controlled suspenslon with rear springing adjuscable to load.


ROYALSTAR 500 c.c.

Beaucifully finished m brlght metallic biue and lots of high quality chrome.

Ali working parts including finał drive completely enclosed, automatically oiled.


650 c.c.

Husky błg-capacrty highway crulser. Smooth, quiet.extremely powerful Finished in blazing metallic red (candy-applc). lots of chrome. Has improved gearbox wich new fast-accełerating gearing.


650 & 500


Both Royal Stars have new type plstons performance, lmproved gearbox set-up, and new bars giying a becter rlding positłon. Both haye complecely enclosed and automatically lubricated dnve and famous

Choosc ełther the 500 or 650—you'll get powerful performance, fiashing gocd looks, dependable motorcycling!



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