urface wavo
5 miriutes
16 15 -u — 13 -
.? 10 c
First P-wave
1000 2000 3000 4000
Dis tance to opicenter (km)
FIGURĘ 5.8 ta) A curve of the trayol i imcs of seismic wrvc\< .i- i fiiiution ot rlisuuiLi* to the epicenrer of im earthqualce. An cxamplcqf;a sebiuoŁ-nim recorclecl ot-, a seismomerer i lun was UJ 3700 km nom r'iis earthqt:akc is owrlaid on to tłic t-raph. rifr.ińg the arriteds ol hc* P, S. ar.d suiface wuwa at this
im! at many ot hem, the travel-iiine v i:rvc is consLiucicJ. IV) Rota ?'\vavc and S-wave vel;tci;y variations aś <i funeiińn .4 .k'v'i .tre deiętmined rrora trawi-time curves such as rhac showti n {»)■ Notę '.bat the S-wnw v .locity is serw in the ot i ter cors. *v’;;icn ntlica.cs that ii is IkpiiJ: :n conrrast, S-vvave wlnęity nor.s k«vś- .i valuc in rac inner core, .suggesr.hii; thar the inner córę is soiii. Cotnpafe this wirh the density profile m Figme 5.2.