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A coronaria dx X Lig teres hepatis
A coronaria dx X Lig teres hepatis
edicąi (Jrwersil u ot Anat
orny' Jpf Warsay^jJ
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Lig teres hepatis Copyright Department ot Aną^prn) *>Jv1ćd ical JJjiłw^rsity of Warsaw
Pic 1v1kkt Hepar Lig.teres hepatis A. hepatica propria et vena portae Vesica billaris Ductus choledo
plansza (84) 1. Hepar, lobus dexter et sinister a) Lig. teres he
50291 Lig teres hepatis w a Department of Anatomy >N", Center of Biostructure Research
(baz ) lig teres hepatis <C) Departament of Ana tomy Centra of DiosLrutiwre Medicą! U/werei
Slajd33 (114) Tętnice narządów trawiennych Pień trzewnyt. żołądkowa lewa Truncusccliacu Lig. teres
13483 Ligamentum teres hepatis Degaętfnent of Anatomy Onl/ersity of Warsaw pJtend, 2000 tfo tr
973353121959224779I2741615 n 1 lig- teras hepatis 2 bifurcatio t
#B Lig teres uteri?x ( alt ) Copyright Q£fldrtment of AfldtOOfly Ceuter of Biosu ucture Research
Lig venosum Ductus cysticus Copyright Department ot Anatomy Medical U n wersity of Warsów
Staw ramienny, articulatio humeń Bursa subacromialis ! M. supraspinatus M. teres minor*-- Lig.
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