

I. What ąuestions might you ask to obtain the underlined Information?

I.    In her second semester Pauline has classes on four days each week.

2.On Monday morning she had IT and Information Systems.

3. She liked Mr Blunt’s classes most.

II.    Re ad the text and then answer the ąuestions below.

BeOS An OS created especiałly for working with multimedia.

Linux An OS that was derived from Unix and is available as freeware.

Mac OS The graphically-oriented OS used on Apple Macintosh microcomputers.

MVS, VM, OS/390 An operating system used on IBM mainframes.

NetWare An OS that was widely used on LANs but is losing popularity.

Palm An OS designed for use on personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones. Unix Old command-driven OS that is still commonly used on most types of computers including mainframe and personal computers.

VAX/VMS An OS used by DEC VAX minicomputers.

Windows Media Center A version of Windows XP designed to be simple to use in the home to control multimedia systems.

Windows XP Microsoft Company's OS for PCs.

1.    Which operating systems are specifically designed for multimedia?

2.    Which network operating system is becoming less popular?

3.    Which operating system is most suited for use in the living room of a family home?

4.    Which OS is Linux related to?

III.    Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (for example: of, with, to).

1.    As you will see .......... my enclosed CV, 1 have recently completed a degree ..........

Computer Science..........the Warsaw School of Computer Science.

2.    I found it..........the Internet.

3.    We arrived in this country..........August.

4.    They drove to Warsaw..........June 15lh.

IV.    PRESENT PERFECT - Translate the ąuestions into English.

1.    Czy kiedykolwiek miałeś przenośny komputer?

2.    Czy kiedykolwiek zachęcałeś rodziców do kupna komputera stacjonarnego?

V.    Change each of the underlined words. Write a new word (or words) as similar as possible in meaning to the original one.

1.    Staff: Dr Peter Jones.

2.    The most important program in the operating system is the supervisor program most of which remains in memory.


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