BASKET PILLOW, WREATH PILLOW Slcill lev«l Basket pillow (AJ—easy; wreatti (B)-attermediate FINISHED MEASUREMENTS
Pi lów A is (23x17cm), basket motif is 5VJ’x2W (W4j$7cm). Pillow B 6^
(2)cm) squarr. heart motf is 4’ «"x4T OD.8xK).3cmJ lavanduU" mołif (Pillows A and B)is4'ó*xłY(n.2xlanJ MATERIALS
For both projcctł >yd (ZSm) of 28<oust whitc linen. S5‘ (WOcm) wide. (Zwcigart. Art. 3281/100 'Cashel Un«n“) • 1 skem each Anchor (Coats) embroidery floss: For pillow A use colon 4.5.6 and 9. K). 1112; for pillow B use cołocs 4. S. 6.7, 9. as sbcwn on floss color and symbol key. page 6 • For pillow A K)"x7vV (2Sxl9cm)daik lilac cotton fabnc: for pillow B. l2^tl9Vi’ (30x$0cm) light Mac cert-ton fabric • For pillow A only. K) topu cut glass beads. 3mm diamełer; 18 copper rocaillo beads 16mm diameter lighr Muc rocaille beads with silvcr linng. 2 6mm dameter. 4 acuamanne cut glass square beads. ćrrm • For B. 6* (IScm) zppet •