• fdHK m wange. ptak. apple green and twąuow • I Urge 'Ouick* *> Yo Milirt (Oom)
• Goldfeads
General Information- The Yó-H)
templale come with 2 p««« a dnA and i płate Mer to produrt packagtftg fot detuled mstruettoos
Step I followm* manufacturws (kecticnv srpłrate tłw pLaie and disk sectiom of the yo-yo make--. Place the wteng of the dni on the wrong udc cf the fabr te. tum ow ard press the ''•^onto the disk jlignngmafks Ci* c around yo-yo maktr. Ieavtnj a W >) wam adowance
Step 2 Thfcad needle and knot thread ersd Tom seam albwance to nght side cf disk and ftnger -pmi.
Step i start rą at right sideoł sbtted hole. psil necdle through all layers. then mseit needle >ito left \łde of same slot ted hole and puli thnugh to dok ode Contlnuc stitchmg edge coumerdodc-around entre dok m same rnanner. preismr wm allowance ioward center
Step 4 Ałter Ust HrtcH puli throu|h fml openmgagan to r$ht edge of dotted hole (dont sew nto thę itarting knot) and then to Mt edge of tamę openlng, dort imthread needle Press through Pte largo center hole to teparate tray and dni. Caetully rema* lato: fromdsk.
1 yo-yo each m orarge. pmk and apple green. and 2 yo yos in turąucise. Hand-strtch a yo-yo to center of each applkyue. stiteh-mg underneath edges so stitchwtg isnt ritWe on fwt 5 Sew a gold bead m center of each yo-yo and hanga tassd over each bead; stitch to secure.
4 String flags. alterrating sues. on goid cord.
Shown on p^ęe 42
Skill leeel Intermediate
Tabledoch is ST (132cm) «yutre embrordered arca is 1014Y2'
• IWyds (HSon) of S5<outt whrte hnen. 71* [180cm)-wide (Zareigad. Art. 3225/100 Tngston')
• Cotton fabnet. 60' (ISOcm] wtde: lyd (Im) orange. Myd (14 m) p»nk. Itf yd (14 m) apple green and lWyd (1.2 m) turguoise
• Imbcorjery Ross. I stem each m colon 1.3 and 4.2skcrrneach in color 2; see embeoidery Ross and cołor key. page 47
• 1 spod gold metal k floss
• Uige 'Ouk** Yo-Yo Maier (Clov«r)
• 8mm gold bcads
• DEKA iron-or transfer pencil
• Trać mg paper INSTRUCTIONS
1 Cut 45' (IMcm) square of linen cłeamfnish cut edges.
2Transfer actual-sire paltem|w«hout nunbeojfromcenter patiem mert.iijelloTraang paper Usmg transfer pencAoufinepattem and dotted Ines cn wrong s»de of paltem łon patiem ontc each comer d Imen. ccnttted 6" (15cm) Ycm comer I nccessaiy. re-outtne pittem after 2 tranders to krep ines cark.
1 Work each emhroadery motf on Inen. W page 81 for em-btoidery iltustrattons: V/ith 2 stranch of fk»v work large tound sptrals n rumng stitch: embrorder fto*er center and outside petals m satn stitch; Inside petals and mside lea*s In long and short satm stitch With metalk floss. work dots on spaab in French knotv work stem stitches to outlinc the floarer petals. mner Rower petal cwel*, tpirais between Rower petals. Rower and leaf stems and leaf vwtes Work rtide of Rower petals. Ieaves and leaf w mes with dese spaced stem sts Embrordery should coner transferred mes.
4 Place fimshed embroidery facedown on soft taM; presv
5 Tum under W (km), then W (km) agam on each edge of Inen; presv Open out comers. Fold in diagonally on corners; ptess. Cut Imen W (lcm) from fold. Refold corners and sides; stitch dos* to folds to hem Imen.
4 Refer to 8asic Yo-Yo Dwectmns. at left, to make 36 orange (a). 44 paw (b). S2 apple green (c) and 40 turquoise(d) yo-yos 7 Arrange yo-yos as shown on diagram on center paltem insert. s*de B Kand stitch togethe' where edges touch With nght srdes up. place each yo-yo groop on corner of linen. placaig center yo yo m center of seam Hand stitch yo yos to Imen. stitching uncemeath edges so stitchmg isn t visible on front.