Preface vii Comribuiors ix
1. Epidcmiology of cardiac hypertrophy 1 W. B Karmel
2. Clinical assessment of cardiac hypertrophy 11
J. E. Liu, R. B. Devereux
3. Gross morpbology of cardiac hyperrrophy 17 Af. J. Daties
4. Lcft ventricular hypertrophy: alterations in myocyte number, size, shape and siructure 23
K. Rakusati
5. Coronary vasculature in hypertrophy 29
S. Isoyanui
6. Extracellular matrix and fibrosis in cardiac hypertrophy 37
K. T. Weber, Y. Sun, A. K. Dhalla, R. V Gutuaka
7. The geometry of ventricular myocardium: myocyte interconnections and the interstitial tissues 45
Af. S. Peters
8. Gcnes involved in norma! cardiac development 61
A. A. Dempsey, C. C. Liezv
9. Triggers for cardiac hypertrophy 71
T. Yamasaki, /. Komuro, Y. Yazaki
10. Signals and niessengers for cardiac hypertrophy 77 P H. Sugden, A. Clerk
11. Myocyte contractilc dysfunction in cardiac hypertrophy 85
S. Harding, P Poole-Wilson
12. Changes in lcft ventricular function in cardiac hypertrophy 93
J. Mayet, R. A. Poale
13. Cardiac arrhythmias in hypertrophy 101
14. Repolarisation abnormalities in ventricular hypertrophy 107
15. Altered conduction in left ventricular hypertrophy 113
16. łonie homeostasis in cardiac hypertrophy 121
17. Coronary reserve in hypertrophy 127
18. Mcchanisms of reduced coronary reserve in cardiac hypertrophy 135
19. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 145
20. Management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 153
21. Physiological hypertrophy (the athletełs heart) 165
22. Rcgrcssion of hypertrophy 171
23. Regression of left ventricular h^ertrophy and anti-hypertensivc therapy 177
24. Lcft ventricular hypertrophy and arabulatory blood pressure 185
25. The futurę 201
Index 203