Boyºby Kit

Boyºby Kit

Ho rm-jA-Hi v\es


Baby Kit

Thcse pallom dctails shouid bo uscd in conjunction with the Fonn-A-Lines General Instruction shcet.

“Out at ..." mcans bring the ncedle froin thc back of the work through to the front. “In at...†mcans take the needle from the right side of the work through to the back. On many sections ofthis design some holes are uscd morÄ™ than oncc.

Confetti thread on wbite card.


Box outline Rubber duck



Box outlme

Copyright C 2005 D J Design*

Rubber duck Rody

Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at K in at F Continue this secjuence to out at G in at 11.


Out at I in at J Out at K in al L Out at M in at N


Out at O in at P Out at Q in at O



Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Continue this scqucnce until the heart is complete.


Out at R in at S Out at T in at U Out at V in at W Continue this sequence until the teat eircle is eomplcic. Then out at S in at X Out at Y in at T Out at Z in at T Out at W in at 7

Bottlc body and top Work the bottle body and screw top in backstitch using the flnished diagram as a guide.

Box outline Shown on top box. Out at a in at b Out at c in at d Out at e in at f Out at g in at h Work the other box in a similar way.


Work the words “Ifs a Boy†in backstitch using the illustration as a guide.

(f)P - w ty

Copyright £ 2005 D} Desigos

These Form-A-Lincs instruetions aro copyright O 2005 D J Dcsigns and may not be reproduccd without permission.

Published by Card Inspirations Tewin Hill Farm. Tewin. Herts AL6 OLL, UK. Tel: 01438 717000 F<\X: 01438 717477


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