coredump threaddump

coredump threaddump

jp3 core.3737 x|_ ees®

f Pytn/icyTf [Ęg Hhrcaddump] 02:54:31 PM x' ~Q [hcapduinp) 02:54:39 PM x |

Z core.3737

Thread Dump

Thread 2602 -T1aer-5M: (State = BLOCKED)

at 3ava.lang.0bjcct.wait(Nativc Method)

-    waiting on <0xaal266c3> (a ;java.util .TaskQueue) at 3 ava.ut il.Ti me rTh read.mai nLoop(Ti ner.Java:509)

-    locked <0xaal266c3> (a java.util.TaskQueue) at }«

Thread 3740 "Oestroy)avaVHH: (State « BLOCKED)

Thrcad 3301 Tiner-4": (statc - BLOCKED)

at 3ava.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)

-    v\-aiting on <0xaal216b0> (a 3&va.util.TaskQueue) at 3 ava. u t i 1. Ti me rTh read.mai nL oop(Ti n e r. j av a:509)

-    locked <0xaal216ł>0> (a )ava.util .TaskQueue) at 3ava.util

Thread 3300 -pool-l-thread-3’: (State = BLOCKED)

at sun.nisc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

at 3ava.uti1.concurrent.1ocks.LockSupport.parkNanos(

at java.uti1.concurrent.SynchronousQueueSTransferStack.awaitFulfi 11( at java.uti 1.concurrent.SynchronousQueueSTransferStack.transfer( at )ava.uti1.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poi 1(SynchronousQueue.)ava:374) at java.uti 1.concurrent.ThrcadPoolExccutor.gctTask( at 3ava.uti1.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at 3&

Thread 3798 -ConcainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[com.sun.appserv])-: (State = BLOCKED) at 3ava.lang.Thread. slccp(Nativc llcthod)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ at 3 ava.1an g.Th re r ead.j ava:619)

Thread 3797 -ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[com.sun.appserv].StandardHost[server].StandardContext(/_JWSappclien

at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ at )

Thread 3796 "ConcainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[com.sun.appserv).StandardHost[server).StandardContext(/_wstx-servic at 3&va.lang.Thread.sleep(Mative Method)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ at )

(stace =


Thread 3794 -ContainerBackgroundProcessor(StandardEngine(com.sun.appserv).StandardHost[server).StandardContext())-: at )ava.lang.Thread.sieep(Native Method)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBaseKontainerBackgroundProcessor. run(ContainerBase. java:18O0)

— ____________1 ^ .. .. Tl. .. . - .ł ** Tl.


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