Expircd air is highly impurc. It not only conuins effete matter. but throws off enough carbon (poison) in twemy-four hours to compare wilh a piece of purc charcoal weighing eight ounces.
The vcry least amount of air space you should havc to breatbe in is 800 cubic fcct. or a room nine fcet square. and thls should bc accessible to the outsidr air. Sometimes modern !iving does not allow the average humidity. hencc many of our ailments.
Tubcrculosis is responsible for one-scventh of the total dcaths in the world. and the greatest enemies of this dread discase are purc air. and proper breathing: for when the Tuberclc Bacilli invadcs tbc lungs of a hcalthy man or woman they are not multiplied. and are usually soon killcd by the powerful action of the lungs and the intake of plcnty of atmospheric oxygcn. On the lungs of a weaker or siekły person they will multiply and produce this dreadful disease.
Oxygen servcs for the breaking up of many substances in the body through which cncrgy and strength are creatcd and carbon dioxidc is the waste or poison of this breaking-up process.
Please remember that to keep the blood in a sufTicicntly hcalthy condition to nourish the body. as it should, we musi (1) learn how to brealhe properly; (2) ear properly: (3) exercise properly: (4) batbe properly: (5) live properly. and (6) rest properly. Then we may cxpect to enjoy permanent health through perfect circulation.
When you are ablc to take a long. decp inspiration. suffi-cient to inflate the six million air sacs in the lungs. you havc the power to perform one of those acts most essential to the devclopmcnt of the human body to its highest efficiency.