But bcfore you are able to do this. you must possess large, powerful lungs. a broad. decp thorax or cbest. and strong. well trained brcathing musclcs. Thcsc can only bo obtained tbrough propcr training (of the abdomon) and persistent attention to ihosc parts.
Did you know that wc can livc without arms. without legs. cyos. ears. tonguc or tastc: ycs. or without food for wceks and watcr for days; but. if wc aro deprivcd of air for a few short minutcs. that lifc bocomcs extinct?
Correct brcathing is both casy to learn and indispcnsablc to a prolongcd hcalthy lifc.
By drawing in the upper abdomen one is forced to inhale through the nose. the air is both filtcred and warmed beforc entering the lungs and by exhaling through the mouth. which comes natural. the impurities 3re thrown off quicker and in greater volumc.
There is only one method of brcathing the importancc of which we must always kecp in mind.
If you will always remember to hołd the upper abdomen in when walking, you will grcatly enhancc the activitics of the lungs. through which the blood will be enriched and the circulation greatly improvcd.