your appointment with mc cvcry day. unlcss it rains or is cloudy. Mect me in rhe opcn. anywhcrc you choose, for if you aro w herc I can see you. rest assured that 1 will find you.
"While He who is both your Master and minę, has scen fil to havc madę me as strong as I am. He has also given you a brain to reason with. I cannot control my activitics and sometimes I work too powerfully. and it is up to you to takc as much as you necd of my prescription. Now. while you arc cxposing your body to my healing balm. protcct your eyes and on very hot days wear somc lighi coecring on your head.
“Get up occasionally and take a little walk. but remem-ber again and again that if you want results. you must stand crect. throwing out your chcst and drawing in your uppcr abdomen. By doing this you will increase the .lir capacity of your lungs. As you know. the nose is a filier for the air. and w hen you throw out your chcst and draw in your abdomen. you cannot breathe through your mouth, no matter how hard you try.
"When you begin to feel the beneficiat effects of my daily companionship. then you must seek the friendship of my other coworkers— the cool. crisp Air. and the Snów and Kain of winter—and go arm and arm with them. Walk with your abdomen in, chcst expandcd. your eyes glistening with the firc and vigor of a new birth.
“When this time arriyes. you will realize that God has not ceascd to work miracles. and if you feel within your hcart the impulse to express your gratiludc for the miracle which He has wrought in you. seek Him in the open air. or in your church. whatever that may be With silence or with words thank Him for the great gift which He. through His servants, has given you."