Crochet Borders3
■Ceft-^Ma.n.d.ed Gou.rvtin.q

Working Round 1
In order for the corners to end up at the appropriate place, the round has to begin at a certain point. Notę that in the example shown below, the first stitch of the first round is madę inthe fourth stitch to the lett ofthe corner stitch. Beginning and ending the round slightly away from the corner in this way makes the join inconspicuous and allows the corner to shine! Each set of pattern instructions indicates where to join the yarn for the first round. Begin the first round in the stitch indicated, using your preferred method of joining a new stitch. (SeeTwo Ways to Join New Yarn, page 9.)
Adjusting the number of stitch es. If the base round was a few stitches too long or too short for the multiple you need for the pattern, the first round is a good place to do a little fudging to make the stitch count come out right. Take a look at the first round of the pattern stitch.
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