Crochet Borders7
Puff Stitch: Yam over, insert hook into st and puli up a bop, (yarn over, insert hook into same st and puli up a bop) three times, yarn over and puli through all 9 bopsonhook.
Altach fringe: Holding three strands of yarn together, fold lengths of yam in half. hsert a crochet hook from wrong side to right side of border and puli the fblded loops through. Pdl out ends through folded loops and gentiy puli to tighten.
Base md, each side: Multiple of 6 + 1 + corner sts.
Beginl st to leftof corner sL
Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), *[dc in next 2 sts, Puff Stitch in next st dc in next 3 sts] to corner st (2 dc, Puff Stitch, 2 dc) i n corner st, dc in next st; rep fiom * around, omitting last dc, joinwith slip st to top of ch-3.
Rnds2 and 3: Ch 1, sc in each st aroind, placing 3 sc in each corner stjoinwith slip stto first sc.
For each Puff Stitch, cut three pieces of yam slightly longer than two times the desired length of fringe. Aftach fhnge (see Stitches & Notes, feff) through top of Puff Stitches on Rnd 1.3
Adjust the length and thickness of the fringe on your border to complement the sizeofthe piece the border i s attached to.
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