

■'fi ,WI K KEY



) i' 3 fl 4 c 5 a 6 f


2    management

3    office

4    insurance

5    product

til 3b 4 e 5 f 6a

6 advertising






2 breach

3 conflict

i In order to i fi|»t»roprinte to

4    waste

5    cost

4 io thot $ gwarę of f> dedslons

6    rangę

7    round

8    lack


I ✓


4 111

2 contribute


3 announce

fe for

4 organise

7 oiir

5 select

H and

6 explain

y up to /

Fl Sample answer

'i Organisation

As 1 am a front-line employee, 1 believe the most useful topie for me would be ‘customer service’. Although 1 deal

V»< n bu lary

well with telephone and direct enquiries, it is sometimes difficult to deal effectively with both at the same time,


especially before the peak summer season.

-■ b Id 4c 5a 6a 7a 8c 9b 10d lid 12c

Any advice on this would be very welcome.


! transport

3 /

i malntain

4 they

4 Itsue

5 been

'i curry out

6 if

(i li,iln

7 so

1 anguage review

8    and

9    /

10 the

2    an eighty-thousand-euro deal

3    a seven-hour journey

5 Advertising

4 a two-million-pound loan


5    a three-day seminar

6    a sixty-storey office błock

2c 3 a 4b 5c 6c 7a 8b 9a 10b


2    TV commercials

3    trade fair


to launch: b, g

4 information technology

to capture: c, f

5 labour force

to differentiate: a, e

6    research project

7    government policy

to communicate: d, h


2    savings account

3    customs officer

4    needs analysis

5    sports car

6    labour costs


Language review


‘Subvertising’ is a combination of the words ‘subvert’ and ‘advertising’. Indeed , subvertising tonsists of subverting or sabotaging commercial as well as political advertisements that are displayed in 0 public places. Here is ą simple example: an advert for ą famous brand of 0 cigarettes depir.ted a handsome middle-aged man gazing thoughtfully into the distance. The caption was four words long: ‘The morę you know...’This ad was easily subverted by someone who just added the following words: ‘...the less you smoke.’

The purpose of subvertisers is usually to encourage people to think, not only about the products they buy, but also about the naturę of the society they live in.

There are a number of similarities between advertising and subvertising: both are very often creative, witty, direct and thought-provoking.

However, the differences between the two are enormous. While the goal of advertising is ultimately to increase consumption and corporate profits, subvertising aims to make people aware of the constant pressure they are under to buy things, to spend money, to ‘shop-till-you-drop\ so that they may be able to resist that pressure.

In addition, subvertising is a reaction against the inyasion of public places by hoardings, posters, slogans, logos, etc., which some say ‘pollute our mental environment\ It is an attempt to 'redaim the streets’, to free our personal space of those consumerist messages which can be seen or heard left, right and centre in our cities.

While one cannot ignore that in the eyes of the law, altering hoardings is considered a minor form of vandalism, one has to recognise that subvertising is a form of creativity and a way of exercising one’s freedom ofspeech.



2    We would be very grateful

3    we could arrange for

4    fuli details

5    take advantage of

6    datę and time

|?| Sample answer

Dear MrCostello

Thank you for your catalogue.

We are very interested in your new rangę of Compact copier-scanners.

We would welcome the advice of your expert as to which machines would be the most suitable for our purposes. Any day after 15:00 would be convenient, particularly Wednesday or Thursday.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Glenda Munroe

2d 3b 4a 5f 6c

2    particularly / particular

3    list / lists

4    your/you

5    by / for

6    computers / Computer

7    on / to

8    began / begins

6 Money




3 revenue 11 forecast Down





2 equity





7 profit






The verbs which should be crossed out are:

2    to work

3    to divide

4    to do

5    to pay an

6    to iiwoice

2 a 3 e 4 b 5f Language review

2    rise / fali

3    increase / decrease

4    soar / plummet

5    double / halve

6 c

3    drop (I)*

4    dedine (I)*

5    ha!ve (I) / (T)

6    increase (I) / (T)

7    level off (I)

8    peak (I)

9    plummet (I)

10    soar (I)

* drop and dedine are .iIm» ttmmiliye in imm| senses, e.g. I droppeil my lemlmg gl issij ■ them;They declined out liwilflliim i thfj|^ accept it.).




signlflt antly





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